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How To Be A Better Gamer: Finish Your Games

95% of the games I own I have yet to finish.

They're just waiting around to be played with like Woody and the gang from Toy Story 3. That number is an educated guess, and I am in the process of figuring out the real percentage of unfinished games I own, but fearfully I know that's probably going to be close to what it is. I can honestly say this is a problem I've always had. I buy way more games than I have the time to play them, and what happens a lot of the time is I end up selling or trading those games I barely touched. Worse than that, some stay among my collection as a reminder of my horrible habit. I need to remedy this problem.

The problem I thought was the source of my obssesive purchasing was that I considered myself a completionist. I would spend a lot of time on one game trying to 100% it, and let all other games fall to the wayside. In retrospect, the completionist mentality I have wasn't the problem. In fact, I think it's completely healthy to want to play a game all the way through, and to have a sense of closure with it, if that means obtaining 100%. But while seeking that closure, I was still buying other games, sometimes at release, only to go back to that game I was trying to complete. That inability to finish what I started without starting a new task: that is the problem. And it's not only effecting my gaming.

The more I realize that I love to start games but never finish them, the more I see that my real life projects suffer the same fate. It's a very upsetting thought, and it makes me question why I play video games. I know I am very passionate about video games, and it is my favorite hobby hands down. Most of the time, all I would want to do is play games than do anything else. Yet I think I've reached a point in my life as a gamer that I've become saturated with the wealth of gaming possiblities around me that I need to regain control of my passion.

When I was a kid I didn't have this problem, because I could only play the games my parents bought for me. I had the luxury to focus on one game because chances are it would be months before I received my next one. Sometimes I got really lucky and would get two, maybe three games for Christmas! In the past six months I've downloaded probably three times that from XBLA alone. When I was responsible enough to afford my own games my purchases became out of control, and no matter how many times I tried purging my library of unplayed games, it would build up again.

I fear that the future of gaming poses a real threat in exploiting my weakness in controlling my purchases. Games are going digital. They have been for a few years now, and will continue to do so. I fully embrace the movement; I love having all my games in a digital form than physical. It's simple and easy to purchase a game and to start playing right away. It's also very satisfying for me in not having to worry about the space a my collection of games takes up. But then there are all these attractive sales that happen on XBLA and Steam, and week by week I will purchase a game and instead of it sitting physically on a shelf my games suffer a similar fate digitally, which somehow seems more tragic. It's almost as if it helps keep my problem hidden because I can't see all the moeny I've spent on games I've played once or twice staring back at my constantly. Plus, I can never resell any of these purchases; they are now with me for life.

The prospect of my games being more of a negative financial impact on my life than a positive one is the big indicator that I need to change things around. I tried over a year ago to remedy this, vowing I would complete my unfinished games. Sadly it was a failed experiment. But I want to turn over a new leaf. If I can have a sense of maddening persistence in some the games that I play in unlocking an achievement or secret, I need to incorporate that into my real life and behavior. If I can be so passionate about games, than I owe it to myself as a gamer to give each one I purchase the time it deserves. Lately I've been feeling games are a negative in my life, and I need to make them positive again.

I used to think being a completionist was a negative habit to have...but not anymore. I admire people who set out to complete games because they have an enjoyment in that experience that I strive to have. The games that I've 100% completed in my lifetime have always stayed with me more so than the games I just beat once. I was replaying Gears of War recently, a game in which I use to own and only beat once. I was amazed as to how little I remembered: I barely remembered some of the missions or characters, and even the controls felt foreign to me. Yet when I purchased Super Mario World on the Virtual Console, a game I had 100% in my childhood, it was like riding a bike. I remembered pretty much everything, and after a few minutes it felt like I had never stop playing. There are a few games I have that experience with, and it is a joy that overwhems me because that is why I play games.

I want to complete the games I have, but I don't want to make it a burden. I don't want to challenge or limit myself to this goal feeling pressured that if I don't accomplish this, I have failed. This time, as I set about completing my games, I'm going to have fun. It's not a race to the finish line, it's simply me reconnecting to why I play games in the first place. I also have to start letting go of the need to play other games because honestly, they aren't going anywhere. It's going to be all about focus. If I can do that, I can be a better gamer.

Do you struggle with this issue, or something similiar? How are you trying to resolve it? I would love to hear some advice. Thanks for reading.



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Edited By benspyda

I'm trying to catch up on my console games that I haven't finished but screw my steam list. That thing has like over a 100 games I haven't even installed yet.

But yes I have the some issue now I have an income of my own and can buy what I want. Like buying Rage when it first came out but have yet to put it in my 360s drive even once.

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@RedRavN said:

I currently have dead island and dead space 2 on the backburn. I would really like to finish dead space 2 but i doubt I will be able to complete dead island. No more horror games for a while I think. I am also playing arkam city but I think I am just going to do the story and most of the sidequests. I just do not feel like I need to 100% the game to get everything out of it.

FUCK! just reminded me :P i need to play more dead space 2 :)

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@Hector: Glad to know you are in the same boat as me. Let me know how it goes; I'm going to do my best to share my experiences and my new outlook on my gaming lifestyle as I go on.

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@Nottle: A lot of long RPG's on that makes me realize that my style of gaming has a positive effect on my bad habit. I enjoy RPG's but my gaming collection isn't made up of many of them. I can only wonder how difficult it can be knowing that each game you own probably takes 40 hours or more just to beat the story. Those are the kinds of games I hate falling in love with, because I can definitely kiss the rest of my games bye bye for months. But it is an investment and experience unique to it's own genre.

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Edited By nintendoeats

@lionheart25 said:

@nintendoeats: If games are too long, do you rather focus on playing smaller games? 1100 games sounds like a lot of money to spend over the course of many years...are the majority of your games unfinished? At my peak I had about 100 plus games where about 85 of those were either I never beat the story or played, and that was very upsetting for me because I felt like I should have been smarter about my purchases. Do you ever have this feeling? Or does that not factor in to why you play games?

I am a collector, so a great deal of those games are old carts for systems like the 2600, Intellivision and Vectrex (I just leaned over my shoulder to check that I spelled that right. Having retail boxes is cool)

I have to really like a game to play through all of it though, because most games are mad repetitive. I'm generally more interested in learning the broad strokes of a game's systems than sitting through 10 hours of subtle variations. I mean, if I had the time I would play through everything, but nobody in the world has that much time.

It's worth noting that I don't have all that much money, but I only buy one or two games on launch day each year. I buy most of my games at the 20 dollar mark and below.

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Edited By MikkaQ

@lionheart25 said:

@MikkaQ: Does having unfinished games ever bother you? Or does it not matter?

Yeah it doesn't really bother me that much. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed because I do feel some obligation to play what I buy most of the way though if it's something I like. But even games I love I've abandoned halfway though for something new, I guess I usually come back to them, but sometimes it takes a looong time.

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Edited By RedRavN


Yes, I did play arkham asylum and found most of the riddler trophies 80-90% before I moved on to another game although I replayed the main story on newgame+. You are correct that arkham city has a lot more stuff in it. I believe that there are about 450 riddler challenges all things considered and some of them can be quite tricky to grab. I really like the fact that the challenges are now tied to a prettty cool questline that gives non-ocd gamers like myself a reason to find as many as I can. I like to feel like there is some reason for me to be running around backtracking for hours instead of moving on to more quality content. Also, arkham city seems like a fantastic game, I'm about half way through and feel like I will certainly jump into newgame+.

To play the devil's advocate here, I am more of an ADD gamer and tend to jump around a lot to to many different styles of games. This can be a bit of a problem also because I have shamefully not finished some of the games I have wanted to. For example, deus ex human revolution is at a standstill and that is a game you want to focus solely on if you want to get immersed in the world. Also with skyrim I just get overwhelmed with the amount of quests and stuff to do and end up getting burned out and wanting to play something similar. Skyrim is the worst if you are an ADD gamer.

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Edited By JudahJones

@GaryDooton: Fist off, congrats to you on your child! Glad to hear your take on this issue as I'm about to become a first time dad later this year , and among the many changes it will bring, a big one for me is how its going to affect my hobby of choice, TEH GAMEZ. Like you said, open world games like Skyrim are great because of how many ways you can successfully play them, so jumping back in after an absence is a piece of cake. And I think that will probably be the determining factor with gaming and purchases going forward. How easily can I remember how to play it i.e is it like riding a bike or is it more like flying a plane? Also, like you also point out, there are going to be fewer uninterrupted play sessions (and far more diaper changes) so something that is good in bite sizes or that can be paused is a must too I would think.

Anyway to bring it back to the original topic,I find the same principles could apply to finishing games. Its gotta be completed during its time in the limelight because otherwise I may not have time to relearn it again later on.

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I spend too much time playing the same game over again. But I think less 10% of my games are unfinished tbh.

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Edited By ApeGantz

I normally end all my games unless its an RPG of anykind. Those are real iffy because of time consumption.

It sucks but hey, life calls

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Unfinished games really irk me. So much so that at times I'll look at what I haven't finished, throw my hands up in the air and play something like Pac Man Championship DX. I blame podcasts.

I cop a lot of flak for this, but I really get annoyed with other people when they spend a small amount of time with a game and then drop it (then proceed to repeat that process for another six games) it just seems like a waste to me. I'm always inclined to take on board the opinions (about a particular game in question) of a person who finished that particular game than one who didn't. I'm of the opinion that games are allowed to build on the player and that not every section will be perfect - as well as the idea that to fully appreciate the good or great, you need to experience the average once in a while.

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Edited By renachan

I am horrible with this, and it can really annoy me at time. I think part of it is that buying more stuff as I finish a few games- only I take forever to finish so the list keeps getting bigger. Actually I made a list of games I wanted to beat before I bought more, but I totally failed at it.  One thing is I found I turned to handheld as that helped a lot- I could play a game for a short amount of time, whenever. Currently I am finishing Layton and the Unwound Future, and doing a bit before class, a bit before bed, a bit on the bus, etc. And this is a game I was dying to play since it came out in Japan and I just picked it up again recently. 
I don't really know the answer, and I don't always 100% it, but I would really like to actually finish a game. Last one I did was... Portal 2, after buying a portal bundle in a sale a few months back :/ And Final Fantasy 13 before that.