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A Top 10 Movie List (2014)

Top 10 Movies Released (2014)

10. Guardians of the Galaxy

Best superhero movie since X-Men: First Class and easily
one of the best production from Marvel. James Gunn brings
the funny in the well worn and tired genre and kept me awake.

9. Boyhood

A warm movie with an amazing concept. A one of a kind film
12 years in the making. Lots of brilliant moments in this drama
about family, growing up,and the passage of time. Ethan Hawke
and Patricia Arquette are great but Ellar Coltrane's heart is just
not in it.

8. The Babadook

Really entertaining flick. Didn’t like it as much as last year’s
Conjuring but a great feature directorial debut. A horror picture
worth the mention and your time.

7. Under the Skin

The audio/visual experience of the year, wish I saw it in theaters.
Whatever you think it is about, the movie works on all those levels.
Go in without preconceived notions of cinema and have an

6. Moebius

Love or hate him, Kim Ki-duk will always get a reaction out of you.
This one was fucking profound. Made me sick watching it but if
you got the stomach, I challenge you to take a look.

5. Foxcatcher

A quiet and tense film with a triplet of powerful performances.
The atmosphere and pacing in it fits my taste and an engrossing
look at the world of wrestling/old money.

4. The Tale of Princess Kaguya

Isao Takahata might have put Ghibli under with this one but it’s
a stunningly beautiful and somber animation. If you like
Japanese cultureor folklore, this is a mature one, not kiddy stuff.

3. Ida

I would almost recommend watching this movie muted. God I love
the images in this Polish movie. This is the way I wanted to shoot
a film and now its been done... It's beautifully understated and
powerfully executed.

2. Her

A lot of people will say this is last year’s movie but it went wide this
year so I’m cheating a bit with this one. I think every aspect of this
movie is well done. And the video game in the movie? So awesome.

1. Birdman

This was a jaw-dropping piece of work for me. Filmmaking by a
filmmaker at the top of his game. I could barely concentrate watching
it ‘cause I couldn’t stop being impress with it.

Top Ten I Saw In 2014

10. Nymphomaniac (Vol 1 & 2)

Didn’t like his last two (Melancholia and Anti-Christ) but this one is
expansive and put me through the full range of emotions. Chalk full
of great performances, dialogue, and scenes.

9. Little Moth

So real and disturbing. Seems like a very little known movie but
available on netflix and really recommend it. If you're feeling sorry
for yourself, take a look at this girl's reality and shut the fuck up and
get on with it.

8. Wolf Children

Cute and moving. Great to see an anime movie not from Ghibli so
well done. I saw some other good ones this year but this one tops it.
It's just moving as hell and really funny too. Can't recommend it
enough, if you're not allergic to anime.

7. Before trilogy

Late to the party on this one but damn it’s good. Became a Linklater
fan this year and way better than Boyhood in my view. If you like
movies talkative movies with great conversations, this is it.

6. Barton Fink

One of my favorite Coen brothers film now. Just awesome. The
movie just moves and holds you like very few do. It's masterful.

5. Naked

Holy shit. Mind-blowing stuff. Mike Leigh is a goddamn master.
Really want to see Mr. Turner. If you loved True Detective's
Rust Cohle, this movie is right up your alley. Johnny in this movie
is fucking radical.

4. The Thin Red Line

Might be my favorite Terrence Malick piece. The beauty of it is
second to none. Meditative and spiritual like all his movies but
all in the right way. Just gotta be experience.

3. Holy Motors

I think when I look back in 10 years, I might say this is one of
my favorite movies of all time. I love this kind of stuff.

2. 3 Women

What a seedy movie. Inspired by my #1 in this list with a
tablespoon of Lynch, this Robert Altman film just got inside
mentally and stayed.

1. Persona

Really embarrassing I hadn’t seen it but I guess there is a
reason its stood the test of time. Just a wonderfully scripted
and shot film and psychologicaly fulfilling like very few.

Last Year's List

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