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Fox News... Proving Its Flaws In Their Modern Warfare 2 Coverage

There is no doubt that everyone saw this coming way before Modern Warfare 2 was even released. It only took two days before Fox News to to attack Modern Warfare 2.
On Wednesday, November 11th fox news released this news report that literally says says that after playing this game an eight year old WILL become a terrorist.

  It is no surprise that Fox did not do their research. We have seen this in the past with the Mass Effect "SeXbox" scandal. I'm not so much enraged at the fact that they are attacking modern Warfare 2 because as a news outlet, they have that right. The important thing to realize that Fox news will refuse to do any kind of qualitative research whatsoever when it comes to video games. Fox News would claim that they are a news organization that upholds the highest standard of journalistic integrity but the reality is that they have no journalistic integrity when it comes to the subject of video games. They will pass judgment on  something that they, themselves will never personally interact with, other than trying to insinuate that everyone who plays the game will become a terrorist. What is my point in all of this? We should laugh at the ignorance of fox News, not take it as an attack on the gaming community. They simply do not know any better.
I'm going to pose one final question? Is Modern warfare 2 anymore graphic than the dozens of murder stories that fox news airs every day?
What is your emotional reaction to the game?
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