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I Finally Played Ico

Last week I turned to the Giant Bomb Community to help me to decide which of 15 or so unplayed games on my Steam and Playstation Plus accounts I should tackle first. Based on the results of that poll and the feedback in the thread I decided to play Ico, a game I've wanted to play for a long time but had never gotten around to playing. Rather than simply blog about my thoughts on the game, I figured I'd put forth the extra effort and do a video. I've been looking for an excuse to do more youtube videos, and I like the idea of looking at old games for the first time from a modern perspective, so I will likely do more of these as I make my way through my backlog.

I welcome any feedback on that video (either in my thoughts on the game or the production itself). I know I'll never get huge on youtube without some gimmick or comedic element, but I'd rather simply provide my sincere opinions and observations, even if it's not as exciting as some other content.

Since my other option is to stare at this unopened copy of The Last of Us Remastered and await the return of my PS4 from the repair center, I am likely going to try and get to another game from that list immediately. I am leaning towards heading straight into Shadow of The Colossus, but if anyone has any other recommendations feel free to leave them here or in the poll thread. I should also mention I forgot to include the classic Fallout games in that other thread because they're in some random folder on my PC and I always forget I have them (got them free from GOG), so I could also play those as well.