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I was so optimistic 5 years ago

Earlier today I was prompted to sign in on Gamespot when I tried to post a comment on a video, and I forgot which of my email addresses I used for my Gamespot account. So I tried my primary email only to realize it was attached to a Gamespot account I used five years ago and was banned, which is apparently no longer banned after the site relaunch. I then took a look at my posting history and found this.

I used to spend a lot of time and energy in the system wars forum trying to be a voice a reason, but only resulting in my own frustration. It culminated in the thread above, which was quickly locked by the mods, presumably for having too much reason and common sense contained within it. After the lock I received a warning from a mod, to which I responded with maybe too much hostility, but part of me was just hoping he would ban me so I could avoid the temptation of continuing to engage with the most immature and irrational subset of the video game community, and he did.

These days I pretty much tend to just shake my head and ignore ridiculous console war fanboyism, but back then I was naive enough to think I could actually bring some sort of reason to the discussion.

Anyone else spend any time in system wars, or am I the only dumb enough to torture myself with that nonsense?



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@ll_exile_ll: Hah!, when we launched there was a dude here who claimed to be that person. We banned him :D

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When I look at my old posts, they are just as non-sensical and full of stupid youtube videos as they are today. I like to think this level of consistency is a good thing.

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I used Gamespot for about seven or so years, and I stayed the hell away from System Wars. Trying to be a voice of reason in that place is like trying to reason with a hurricane as it whips you through the air, battered, bruised, and praying for a quick and painless death.

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@mb: You do god's work. Thank you.

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Edited By Cleron

I gave up on that crap at the end of the Super Nes era. Things weren't as simple after that, and I learned there was little point in being a rabid fanboy for any system. When it comes to consoles, If I chose to get one (and only one) it's the system the best fits my taste. Last gen that was 360.. this time round I think I'm going to stick with the PC for the first 12 months & make sure I don't get burned by another "Red Ring O Death" drama bomb. Given the price of games down here I tend to get more bang for buck in the long run with the PC anyway.

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Haha, System Wars was pretty bad around that time. I remember trying to do a similar thing, staying neutral and pointing out the logical flaws in people's arguments on either side. I was new to GS at the time and actually pretty new to internet communities in general, and it just boggled my mind that people could be so ridiculous when it came to that sort of stuff.

I have avoided that place for many years now, mainly sticking to the Australian board and just the boards for platforms I own.

I now frequently use wrestling forums though, where logic is sometimes thrown straight out the window. Or straight through the window really, because why open it first?

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Edited By AMyggen

As I've said before, I'll begin to take Gamespot's complaints about the standards of their own community seriously when they close the System Wars section of their forum. It's one of (if not the) most popular parts of the forum so they probably won't do it, but they lose all respect when they on one hand say they want a more civil discourse from gamers on their site, and on the other hand keeps open an infamous section of their forum whose sole purpose is to get more clicks by letting fanboys fucking kill eachother.

I guess you could argue that it's good to keep them in one place, but no...just no, that's not how things work.

System Wars might be worse than GameFAQs' forum.

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@twisted said:

Haha, System Wars was pretty bad around that time. I remember trying to do a similar thing, staying neutral and pointing out the logical flaws in people's arguments on either side. I was new to GS at the time and actually pretty new to internet communities in general, and it just boggled my mind that people could be so ridiculous when it came to that sort of stuff.

I have avoided that place for many years now, mainly sticking to the Australian board and just the boards for platforms I own.

I now frequently use wrestling forums though, where logic is sometimes thrown straight out the window. Or straight through the window really, because why open it first?

Sports forums/comment sections are often way worse than video games forums/comment sections, and I'm guessing wrestling is the same. When people lament the level of discourse among gamers on the internet I just show them's comment section (it seems to have become a bit more civil when they introduced facebook comments), and Yahoo Politics. You ain't seen nothing yet if you haven't read the comments on an article about Obama over at Yahoo Politics!

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@amyggen said:

@twisted said:

Haha, System Wars was pretty bad around that time. I remember trying to do a similar thing, staying neutral and pointing out the logical flaws in people's arguments on either side. I was new to GS at the time and actually pretty new to internet communities in general, and it just boggled my mind that people could be so ridiculous when it came to that sort of stuff.

I have avoided that place for many years now, mainly sticking to the Australian board and just the boards for platforms I own.

I now frequently use wrestling forums though, where logic is sometimes thrown straight out the window. Or straight through the window really, because why open it first?

Sports forums/comment sections are often way worse than video games forums/comment sections, and I'm guessing wrestling is the same. When people lament the level of discourse among gamers on the internet I just show them's comment section (it seems to have become a bit more civil when they introduced facebook comments), and Yahoo Politics. You ain't seen nothing yet if you haven't read the comments on an article about Obama over at Yahoo Politics!

Yeah everyplace or thing you take a side on is like that. nothing new and nothing really sad about it. People are just passionate about something. Be it games, sports cars, music or whatever. You will always see these wars. And for videogames there were always system wars but thorugh the internet you see it now much more. Back than it was on schoolyards etc.

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I just went to the console war forums. It's full of people coming up creative derogatory terms for everything - TitanASS, Barely HD, Killsuck etc etc. It's not even clever like the SomethingAwful forums were.

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@darji: I agree that people bitching about sports and video games can't be described as "sad". However, if you look over at Yahoo Politics, more or less every top rated comment is some racist garbage. Sometimes I visit that site just to get depressed, I can't help it :/

But yeah, I don't think there's more fanboys now than before, it's just that the internet has made it more visible, and more people are able to participate. Jeff has told stories about getting death threats from Sega fanboys way back in the day, and the Nintendo vs. Sega stuff got pretty fucking vicious. And the avarage gamer might be older now than back then, but the most passionate people with a lot of time on their hands are still teenage it has always been. I looked back at some of the forum posts I made back when I was 14-15...ugh.

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@amyggen said:


I agree that people bitching about sports and video games can't be described as "sad". However, if you look over at Yahoo Politics, more or less every top rated comment is some racist garbage. Sometimes I visit that site just to get depressed, I can't help it :/

But yeah, I don't think there's more fanboys now than before, it's just that the internet has made it more visible, and more people are able to participate. Jeff has told stories about getting death threats from Sega fanboys way back in the day, and the Nintendo vs. Sega stuff got pretty fucking vicious. And the avarage gamer might be older now than back then, but the most passionate people with a lot of time on their hands are still teenage it has always been. I looked back at some of the forum posts I made back when I was 14-15...ugh.

Yeah politics is a whole different matter but still they have the right of freedom of speech like you and I do. It is one of the negatives you get with. Better some idiots can say something than no one can say anything at all.

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@humanity said:

I just went to the console war forums. It's full of people coming up creative derogatory terms for everything - TitanASS, Barely HD, Killsuck etc etc. It's not even clever like the SomethingAwful forums were.

That stuff is the worst. It just exemplifies the most immature aspects of the gamer community. If you're arguing with someone of the internet using terms like "Failbox Done" and "Shitstation 4", you really need to re-evaluate your life.

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@humanity said:

I just went to the console war forums. It's full of people coming up creative derogatory terms for everything - TitanASS, Barely HD, Killsuck etc etc. It's not even clever like the SomethingAwful forums were.

Those kind of nicknames are useful because they quickly tell me I don't have to listen to that person's opinion.

See also Micro$oft and Barack Hussein Obummer (the Tea Party, appropriately, love these shitty nicknames - though Faux News is just as bad).

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Edited By Darji

@ll_exile_ll said:

@humanity said:

I just went to the console war forums. It's full of people coming up creative derogatory terms for everything - TitanASS, Barely HD, Killsuck etc etc. It's not even clever like the SomethingAwful forums were.

That stuff is the worst. It just exemplifies the most immature aspects of the gamer community. If you're arguing with someone of the internet using terms like "Failbox Done" and "Shitstation 4", you really need to re-evaluate your life.

I love how you judge a persons life on his language or een a few words he uses without even knowing him XD

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@darji: Oh most definitely, freedom of speech is a good thing. However, I do think some political sites could maaaaybe moderate their comment section a bit better than they do now. Yahoo! and other sites have a "no racism" and "no homophobia" policy in theory, but they don't seem to do anything to actually implement in in their comment sections. Removing such garbage wouldn't restrict anyone's freedom of speech, since those sites are privately owned.

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@humanity said:

I just went to the console war forums. It's full of people coming up creative derogatory terms for everything - TitanASS, Barely HD, Killsuck etc etc. It's not even clever like the SomethingAwful forums were.

That stuff is the worst. It just exemplifies the most immature aspects of the gamer community. If you're arguing with someone of the internet using terms like "Failbox Done" and "Shitstation 4", you really need to re-evaluate your life.

Failbox Done? Shitstation 4? What have I done till now? I never used any of those terms! gahhhh I'm going to use them now!

I think despite the amount of vitrol in them, they are creative.

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@darji said:

@ll_exile_ll said:

@humanity said:

I just went to the console war forums. It's full of people coming up creative derogatory terms for everything - TitanASS, Barely HD, Killsuck etc etc. It's not even clever like the SomethingAwful forums were.

That stuff is the worst. It just exemplifies the most immature aspects of the gamer community. If you're arguing with someone of the internet using terms like "Failbox Done" and "Shitstation 4", you really need to re-evaluate your life.

I love how you judge a persons life on his language or een a few words he uses without even knowing him XD

A person of reasonable maturity doesn't use terms like that.

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@humanity said:

I just went to the console war forums. It's full of people coming up creative derogatory terms for everything - TitanASS, Barely HD, Killsuck etc etc. It's not even clever like the SomethingAwful forums were.

That stuff is the worst. It just exemplifies the most immature aspects of the gamer community. If you're arguing with someone of the internet using terms like "Failbox Done" and "Shitstation 4", you really need to re-evaluate your life.

Those kind of nicknames are useful because they quickly tell me I don't have to listen to that person's opinion.

See also Micro$oft and Barack Hussein Obummer (the Tea Party, appropriately, love these shitty nicknames - though Faux News is just as bad).

These amazing names just made me think of SUCKBOX 360.

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No, uh, system wars are the worst. They're super dumb. I managed to avoid them on every game forum I used.

(Also, your locked thread was pretty confrontational? Obviously the rest of System Wars was more hostile, but I would hope a similar thread would be locked here on Giant Bomb.)

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Edited By Darji

@amyggen said:

@darji: Oh most definitely, freedom of speech is a good thing. However, I do think some political sites could maaaaybe moderate their comment section a bit better than they do now. Yahoo! and other sites have a "no racism" and "no homophobia" policy in theory, but they don't seem to do anything to actually implement in in their comment sections. Removing such garbage wouldn't restrict anyone's freedom of speech, since those sites are privately owned.

I think we should be careful with that. If the guy has an opinion he wants to tell you in a normal manner no matter what his opinion his. For example if he hates black people and explains why we should not remove these comments. However if you just say "Fuck these black assholes" we should remove it because it is just spam and pointless.

@believer258 Why not? Who set up these social rules? Just because you say fuck a lot does not mean you are not mature. Besides we are talking about video games so what does a bit of trash talking do? Nothing ...

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@darji said:

@believer258 Why not? Who set up these social rules? Just because you say fuck a lot does not mean you are not mature. Besides we are talking about video games so what does a bit of trash talking do? Nothing ...

Well, it's annoying. A lot of people don't like annoying things. Maybe some people do, but I don't associate with them.

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I cut my teeth trolling on system wars.

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@darji said:

@amyggen said:

@darji: Oh most definitely, freedom of speech is a good thing. However, I do think some political sites could maaaaybe moderate their comment section a bit better than they do now. Yahoo! and other sites have a "no racism" and "no homophobia" policy in theory, but they don't seem to do anything to actually implement in in their comment sections. Removing such garbage wouldn't restrict anyone's freedom of speech, since those sites are privately owned.

I think we should be careful with that. If the guy has an opinion he wants to tell you in a normal manner no matter what his opinion his. For example if he hates black people and explains why we should not remove these comments. However if you just say "Fuck these black assholes" we should remove it because it is just spam and pointless.

@believer258 Why not? Who set up these social rules? Just because you say fuck a lot does not mean you are not mature. Besides we are talking about video games so what does a bit of trash talking do? Nothing ...

I say "fuck" more than most motherfuckers on this fucking board, so I'm not fucking saying that you can't fucking say fuck any fucking time you motherfucking want to.

However, there's a stark difference between intelligently expressing your reasons behind not getting a Playstation and simply calling it a "shitstation", like the mere fucking expletive actually does anything but make you sound like a cunt. Freedom of expression comes with a responsibility for expressing things well, not simply expressing whatever your brain farts out. Sure, you can do the latter. And I can judge you* for being a stupid unthinking twat with a stick up your ass and a small allowance for your handful of chores.

*that being the hypothetical "you", who actually says "shitstation", not Darji or whoever else reads this.