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Most Anticipated in 2011

2011 already looks excellent for games! I still have a lot from 2010 to plow through, but here's a comprehensive list of what I plan on getting the day it comes out:

List items

  • Every couple of years I go crazy about golf games; that craziness has hit a lull recently, but I think this title is the one to get me excited again. EA's realized they can't rest their laurels on the Tiger license, making it clear that they're going to switch things up a bit.

  • People Can Fly understand what it takes to pace a shooter perfectly. The original Painkiller is the finest arcade-style first-person masterpiece since Serious Sam: The First Encounter, and this one intends to continue the tradition by taking all its players to "Motherfuck Town".

  • I will gladly give Bioware every cent they ask for, if they keep pumping out content as nice as Mass Effect 2. People seem to be up in arms about the newfound accessibility of the combat; as long as it's not boring and keeps the story moving, I personally don't mind one bit.

  • I'm a little wary of this one, since the first Portal's excellent design and pacing may have been a happy accident. Still, all the footage I've seen has been lovely, and the Portal team hasn't given me any reason not to trust them to deliver on raw entertainment value.

  • I'm hoping this is Mass Effect 2 with twice the budget and ambition. I'm also hoping we finally get to see characters of more than one sex per alien race. (where are the turian/krogan/elcor/volus/batarian/drell females, again? )

  • I'm just into this because intentionally-overblown sexuality in any context appeals to me in a big way. (Atlus had better localize it before the year is up.)

  • This is more out of my adulation for Telltale than any strong interest toward the Jurassic Park license -- though it's going to be really interesting to see how they handle a game that isn't supposed to be an out-and-out comedy.

  • Namco's Team Aces is like a band that sticks to their story: slick and accessible flight mechanics attached to high-profile drama. I still have Sky Crawlers to get to at some point, but once that's finished, this is next on the list.

  • My most anticipated product from Volition is Saints Row 3, but they've been totally silent on that -- so I plan on getting this as soon as possible to tide me over until then.

  • Adding "Ms." to any title makes it better. "Ms. Project Gotham Racing"? I like it already!