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Games For People That Don't Really Care For Games

Not necessarily because they inherently hate games themselves, but because they don't have the time to invest, or because they don't have the prerequsite 10 years of gaming that modern games just assume everyone playing their product has (except when it's taken to the other extreme and everything's explained to a fault)... Also single player games that aren't dishwater for everyone around you while you play them.

List items

  • As long as they've got a phone, any one can get into this, the games are quick and pretty self-explanatory.

  • Because it is just karaoke, there's no "gaming knowledge" required to play, other than how to navigate menus. Though it can get repetitive and arduous to constantly have to disk-switch, it's something that requires pretty much zero time-investment.

  • I believe it's pretty much impossible to lose this game. And most the interaction is in the form of QTEs with the battle segments easy enough to button bash through.

    The story is good enough to keep interest in, but the mid-chapter "cuts" do get pretty annoying by the end... Style over user experience.

  • While puzzle games aren't for everyone, this has one core mechanic and just builds on that idea, so it's easy enough for someone who doesn't play games much to get their head around. It's also easy for someone watching to get invested in and get frustrated with while trying to complete the levels while the time runs out and talk trash about Vincent in the scenes in-between.

  • Pretty much any entry from the series could have made the list (to be honest, We Love Katamari is my favourite), but let's face it, they all pretty much play the same...

    Makes the list for basically only having one user input you need to know and for being amazing eye candy.

  • While just about any "point and click" could be on the list, and while this game falls foul of the egregious "click everything on everything" pattern the rest of its comrades do, the acting and more grounded, yet kind of bonkers, plot, make this pretty easy to get into.