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Awesome Video Game Music: Revived Power

Shadow of the Colossus is a very unique game, and has a very unique soundtrack to match. It constantly toggles back and forth between quiet, mellow songs and exciting, action packed ones. One of my favorites among the action oriented songs is Revived Power.

Your fights with the titular colossi in Shadow of the Colossus are some of the most intense, epic encounters I've ever come across, and songs like Revived Power go a long way towards making those fights so memorable. Seriously, these colossi are huge, and I love that songs like Revived Power match their size with a "big band" style and instrumentation- in fact, the instrumentation is one of my favorite aspects of the entire soundtrack. Right off the bat it delivers a blaring intro and follows it up with a lot of horns and drums, all of it constantly marching in unison with the highest levels of intensity. It really lends a lot of weight to the encounters, and fighting these creatures with this kind of music in the background makes them feel even bigger. That it's able to inflate one of the game's central themes (size) is a highly impressive feat, and the game itself is all the better for it.
Otherwise, I love the way Revived Power feels like it's always moving. There's this constant beat that drives the entire thing, adding a certain edge to what is otherwise a pretty adventurous song. The main rifts definitely boast of high adventure, which is another one of the game's central themes. You spend the entirety of the game exploring a huge world and fighting gargantuan creatures, and songs like this do an amazing job at capturing the pure excitement that can come from such a setting. Revived Power never lets up on the gas either, as each rift transitions flawlessly from one to the next. It's just a thrilling song that's used to great effect throughout, and the way it's able to expand Shadow of the Colossus' themes is fantastic. Revived Power shows how to make an epic game even more so, which is downright awesome.
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