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OK, now I've gone and done it...

I went out today with a pile of monies in my wallet, and came home with a shiny new PS3 Slim. I got it at JBHiFi, they were having a deal where you got a free game and HDMI cable with it for a few bucks less than the RRP, so I can't really complain. I also picked up two of the most interesting exclusives to me: Valkyria Chronicles and InFamous. The free game was Assassins Creed, btw, which will probably see about as much attention as the pack-ins for my previous console purchase, Lego Indy and Kung-Fu Panda. 
My PSN account will be the same as my XBL one (iwilldoit9times), so hit me up on either. Make me feel at home. And by home, I don't mean Playstation Home. Ugh...