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Sidetracked by XBLA

Why do I let this happen?

It always seems that when I get to the point of finishing games and saying 'alright, ill get back to mopping up some achievements now', I get bored and throw down some money for another game or two.

Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition was always a given for me, so I just had to pick that up. I added 2k points to my XBLA account and downloaded away. You can read my thoughts in my review, but in shorthand, it's basically exactly the same game that looks and sounds better. It's also my first S rank on Giant Bomb achievements (when the site synchs them properly)! I know, it's an arcade game and the achievements are piss easy, but hey, at least it's getting me closer to the 10k milestone.

With 1400pts burning a hole in my marketplace account, I purchased Braid after alot of um'ing and ah'ing. Turned out to be worth it. The puzzles are really creative and satisfying, even though a couple (Fickle Companion, grrrr) feel a little buggy sometimes. I didn't get around to collecting all those secret stars, but completing the game was good enough for me. I'll add it to the ever-growing list of games I 'need to get back and finish off'.

In a move somewhat out of character, I was considering purchase of Battlefield 1943. I've never really been too into FPS over the years, but the demo sorta reeled me in. I wanted to play more when my 30 mins of trial time ran out, so I bunged on another 1k points and unlocked the full game. It's actually my first ever squad-based shooter, and it's quickly growing on me. After watching the Quicklook, I'm a bit surprised at how chummy the community actually is sometimes. Sure, there are dudes that steal all the planes only to pop up having suicided about a minute later, but for every one of those there are randoms that will reverse their jeeps so you can hop in. I don't know if there's a problem with the voicechat in that game, but I hardly hear anyone talking... Maybe that's a good thing.

All my friends are trying out Aion, and even though I have a beta key and got a toon to level 20 last preview weekend, I haven't played it much at all this time around. Aion is a Korean game, no question. the grind in the 1.0 version of the game they're using for beta is terrible, and it's made worse by the fact that it takes ten years to actually kill anything. I used to be able to play MMO's til I fell asleep in my chair, but I get the feeling that in the scant 5 months that I've had an XBOX360 that my gaming habits are taking a bit of a turn. I've become somewhat of an achievement whore and I downloaded a multiplayer only FPS...

Why do I let this happen?