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Bought a 360 Today

My work had a special on where i could get a arcade console with a free game for $238 australian which is around $62 less than normal without the bonus game. With a 120gb hdd put on it still works out to be $120 less than buying an elite and i still have my wireless 360 headset from my last 360.

Sorta tossing up on what game i should buy first but i will probably get gears 2, horde mode sounds like alot of fun!.
Banjo Kazooie nuts and bolts and fable 2 are also on my wish list but no matter what i pickup this week i can still get either of those games or both next week so all is good!
Feels good to have a 360 again, dunno why i ever got rid of my other one in the first place, stupidity i guess.

Shenmue, Maybe i can Finally Move on.....

On my 18th birthday my parents bought me an original xbox for my birthday. Despite the bad voice acting and the fact that it was a dreamcast port i loved shenmue 2, i actually went on to buy an imported UK copy of Shenmue 2 for dreamcast with its original japanese dubs and later bought a dreamcast and shenmue 1 just so i could play through them all again.

Playing Shenmue 2 has almost become a yearly ritual for me, and everytime i beat it i get depressed, knowing that sega will probably never finish the story. I cant say i blame them in some ways, the games were financial disasters. But, i still hold hope regardless that my beloved franchise may one day be ressurected on the current gen of platforms for another outing.

What admittedly annoyed me a tad about shenmue 2's pacing was the fact that the story had a really high point near the end after you had found Zhu and he told you a bunch of interesting things about lan di but then there was an extra 2 hours of virtually nothing added onto the end of it as if they had planned on making the game longer and made it end abruptly in the cave with shenhua. I personally found that very anti climatic which made things worse for me knowing that i may never get a sequal.

Lately i've been playing Yakuza 2 on ps2 and it resembles what shenmue did well, the free roaming adventure game in a town with alot of fully interactive activites.
Yes i mean it, you can play darts, pool, bowling, go to the arcade (an actual club sega!!), go to a driving range and more!. Not to mention that the games have an excellent story, and the combat feels a little more like a brawler than shenmue does. Shenmue used something that was kinda like the VF2 meets VF3 combat system. Infact, Ryo Hazuki's fighting style was modeled after Akira from VF.
Other character's in the shenmue series were based on other VF fighters fighting styles. In Yakuza 2 you can pick up objects that you find on the ground or knock out of enemies hands and belt them with it, do special moves where you smash dudes faces into walls then bring your boot behind it and crush it into a buncha glass, its rad as hell.
I even did this special throw where you throw a guy back and he got wasted on this sitting bench.

Yakuza 3 is coming out in japan in febuary 2009 and it looks amazing, ryan didnt post this video but you should check it out! It has Kareoke and what looks to be a scaringly fleshed out dating sim o.O. To be honest the Yakuza series so far is having an effect on me similar to what the shenmue games did and i feel that i can possibly let shenmue go into the sunset. I truely believe that Yu Suzuki will never get to finish his masterpiece.


A realisation i've come to concerning fighting games...

The original Street Fighter 2 got me into fighting games in the early 90's on the SNES and i fondly remember staying up all night at sleep overs battling it out in versus mode, then going home the following day with blisters on my thumbs.
Over the year's i discovered many other fighting franchises and even got into the 3d fighting games like tekken and soul calibur.
This year when i picked up Soul Calibur 4 i was stoked to be picking it up and having a new fighting game to play. But to be honest i didnt really find it all that fun, and its not even because there is anything particularly wrong with the game (besides the star wars characters).
The realisation came to me when i was playing street fighter alpha 3 the other day for hours because Super Turbo HD REmix still isnt out here in australia on the PS store (UGH).
I noticed that i appreciated the fact that this game was easy for me to pick up, it didnt have a long list of moves and combo's for me to memorise. I feel that even as a fighting game fan i prefer to have less move memorising to worry about and spending that time in the execution of the ones that are there and when to do certain attacks. That style of setup i just find infinately more enjoyable.
Oddly enough whilst having aweful graphics and such a dumb setup i actually enjoy playing MK VS DC over SC4. 

I'm considering buying another xbox 360...

The last couple of day's i've been reading posts that have been going on in a thread about a guy who is asking if he should trade in his 360 for a ps3 and it has gotten me stewing over some things because i am actually a person who did this....

In January of this year i got frustrated with my 360 and desperate due to the problems i have with saving money, and with the metal gear solid 4 release looming in June i wanted a PS3 at any cost (or so i led myself to believe at the time).
Now, i will tell you now people, i am a huge fucking metal gear fan. I hold most of what Hideo Kojima has done in his career at a crazy deity level. But now the realist is catching up to me almost a year later and suddenly the $699 AUD 40gb PS3 that i have is seeming less and less appealing. I am not going to be an ass and say that other games on PS3 havent greatly entertained me. I loved Uncharted, Warhawk, Resistance 2, Disgaea 3, Valkyria Chronicles and probably a few others that i cannot recall.
But despite its problems, i miss the Xbox 360 a hell of alot. But the weird thing is, its not because i desperately want to run out and buy games like fable 2, gears of war 2 or anything like that, i can easily play those games at my friends place who owns a 360 but never plays it.
Its because i miss Xbox Live ... a hell of alot, i miss playing online with my friends, i miss chainsawing them in gears and talking mess to them over mic. Even though i have never been a very big halo fan, i sort of miss playing that online aswell with my friends.
By getting a PS3 i put myself into online gaming exile, not because there is nobody playing online on the PSN its just that none of my friends in my town have a PS3 or an interest in getting one for a very simple reason that i should have realised almost a year ago.
No 1 game is worth getting a console for especially a console as expensive as my PS3 was when i got it. The loss was even higher for me since i practically sold almost 20 360 games aswell.

Just as a disclaimer, i do love the ps3, and it definatly does have some things that i like about it more than the 360, and i would definatly keep it to fall back on if i had to send a new 360 away to repair. But right now, i desperately want another 360 and am going to get one at my earliest convenience. The price is definatly right, right now too. In australia at the moment the 60gb 360 PRO costs the same as the Wii, which is fucking awesome value.
I'm totally gonna get another one....
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