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#1  Edited By ManMadeGod
Renegade_v2 said:
"ManMadeGod said:
"Riddler said:
"Holy shit.............i feel bad for ManMadeGod right now..........

renegade almost fucking wrote a book up there. Have fun reading that and fighting over it. im off to play some Halo"
He copied and pasted that stuff from all over the place:
Google parts of it and you will see the sites he got it from."

and..............your point?

you asked why i didnt like McCain. and i posted a few of the reasons. you want more? or are you out of excuses for voting for that inbred trailer trash already?

Like, come on dude. I enjoy talking to people like Patchinko who are able to state what THEY think. But you just copy & pasted stuff. Why can't you tell me, in your own words, why you don't like him? Do you really expect me to read a bunch of quotes from senators?
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#2  Edited By ManMadeGod
xruntime said:
"@Man Made God -

Yeah, they want to pull out of Iraq so they can move the war on terrorism to Iran. I wonder how many nuclear weapons they'll find - it'll be pretty easy to find more than they found in Iraq (0).

McCain wants to grow the government as well. McCain says he wants to give a tax cut as well. And everyone knows the NCLB Act doesn't work, it's inherently flawed.

He wants to cut the corporate tax, something I agree with. There is not reason to think McCain is going to invade Iran, especially now that it has been proven that they have not been working on Nuclear weapons.
The reason McCain supports the Bush tax cuts is because getting rid of them would mean raising taxes, something he has always been against.
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#3  Edited By ManMadeGod
Riddler said:
"Holy shit.............i feel bad for ManMadeGod right now..........

renegade almost fucking wrote a book up there. Have fun reading that and fighting over it. im off to play some Halo"
He copied and pasted that stuff from all over the place:
Google parts of it and you will see the sites he got it from.
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#4  Edited By ManMadeGod

A pullout for is going into place soon, maybe you missed that news? By June 2009 all combat forces will be out of the cities, and almost all of them home by 2011. So saying McCain wants to stay in is no longer a valid point.

You could not be more wrong about Education. We already sent more money per student then almost every other country and our rankings have been going DOWN. A voucher system would work and would be great. Listen, look at . They took over the and pumped money into that thing like no tomorrow. Guess what? They refuse to release a school report card because they know the thing is still tanking. This country needs to stop throwing money at its problems.

I don't watch fox news and yes, his foreign policy is weak. There is more to foreign policy than ........................

 Obama shares to major flaws with Bush
Grow the government? Check
Continue sending out tax rebates because they think they do something (Obama has said he wants to send out more)? Check.

Even we pull out of we would still be spending more then we bring in. Why in the world do you people want to throw billions at health care? Don't see a growing pattern here: every program the government trys to run it fails. Social Security? In Debt. War on Drugs? Total failure. Public Schools? Failed. Country infrastructure? Failing apart. Protecting our borders? Failed. You can go on and on.

What did I say that is not his stance? I will bring out links if you want. I never called him a socialist, but fact is throwing money at Health Care is not the answer. We need to stop spending, not increase it.

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#5  Edited By ManMadeGod
vidiot said:
"McCain doesn't use a computer. He has admitted he doesn't know how to use one.
That annoys me. I want my commander and chief to know that the internet is not a series of tubes.

I know, I have high expectations. :P"
Wait, you mean it's not a series of tubes! Since when!
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#6  Edited By ManMadeGod
cakeorrdeath_ said:
"ManMadeGod said:
"cakeorrdeath_ said:
"ManMadeGod said:
Did I say they were fine? Nice job putting words in people's mouth. But it's ok dude we all know your kind; you have nothing to say so you just throw insults around."

His Kind?, and to think that i was with you, until that post.  Race card? you just gave him the license to pull out the whole deck, and its gonna make you look like the idiot."
Again, did you all miss the reason he posted that video?"
he posted the video as a reply to your comment about, his kind.........."
He was implying that.......... o god, forget.
He is still a troll and I'm still waiting for does not like McCain.
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#7  Edited By ManMadeGod
Patchinko said:
"ManMadeGod said:
"Renegade_v2 said:
"ManMadeGod said:
"O I love it, pulling the race card! Hahahahahah! If you don't vote for Obama you must be racist! And you want to talk about logic!
Dude, if you want to talk about the issues then lets go otherwise go troll someplace else."

race? come the rednecks are the first one to pull out the race card before us? are you running out of excuses already?

no one brought up race before you mentioned it on your post....and even when you said your "KIND",  no one still said anything direct.

"youre a racist if you dont vote for obama".................wait? remember "putting words" on other peoples mouth from your previous post? contradictions are fun, arent they?........never realized the trailer trash party was that desperate."
yeah, youre right. too bad a better example of your "kind" was posted on that video posted above. And then you post a video of people saying they are not going to vote for Obama because he is black. Yea, I don't even know what you are trying to pull.

Bottom line: Grow up or get out. Want to talk about why you hate McCain so much? Carbon emissions? Taxes? Education? Want to really talk about the problems in this country or are these things over your head?"
Why don't you talk about why you hate Obama so much? Try doing it without listing the talking points Fox News lays out for you ever 15 minutes. Calling him a "Socialist" is an instant-lose. Actually explain his stances and refute them.

Yeah, I totally see that happening here."

First off, he has no stance.
Ok, fine here it goes.

1 Education: Our country is ranked 25 in the world as far as education standards go. What is Obama going to do about this? Nothing. Well, he does want to cut Nasa funding and pay teachers more. Great, another candidate that wants to pull the cover over the voters eyes by telling them that more funding = better education.

2. His foreign policy is flat out weak; has him in their pocket and I see no end to the "We need to be the police force of the world" attitude this country has. And he wants to increase funding for on top of this? Are you kidding me? Have you guys seen the debt, up and up and up it goes and here comes Obama wanting to increase government spending. He's just going to follow in the path of Bush and enlarge this government. That is not want we need now. And people think taxing the rich is going to help? We wouldn’t have to raise the taxes so much if the government just cut back on spending, something that is not going to happen under Obama.

I could keep going with why is cap and trade program is going to fail, his lack of any plan to deal with high oil prices is pathetic or why subsidizing Health Care will destroy this country even more. But do I really need to?

Edit: I'm not going to sit here and tell you guys that McCain is going to be this great leader who is going to save the country; he's probablynot going to be. But the fact is Obama will be a disaster and is under no circumstance ready to lead this nation.

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#8  Edited By ManMadeGod
cakeorrdeath_ said:
"ManMadeGod said:
Did I say they were fine? Nice job putting words in people's mouth. But it's ok dude we all know your kind; you have nothing to say so you just throw insults around."

His Kind?, and to think that i was with you, until that post.  Race card? you just gave him the license to pull out the whole deck, and its gonna make you look like the idiot."
Again, did you all miss the reason he posted that video?
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#9  Edited By ManMadeGod
Renegade_v2 said:
"ManMadeGod said:
yeah, youre right. too bad a better example of your "kind" was posted on that video posted above. And then you post a video of people saying they are not going to vote for Obama because he is black. Yea, I don't even know what you are trying to pull.

Bottom line: Grow up or get out. Want to talk about why you hate McCain so much? Carbon emissions? Taxes? Education? Want to really talk about the problems in this country or are these things over your head?"
aww, did the truth hurt you? did you even watch the whole video? it shows how your "kind" justifies the hate on Obama.

I know you are trying to imply that I am racist. We get it, all you can do is attack people because you have no clue about anything else that is going on. You can continue to dance around the questions buddy, but it's not going to work. Why do you not like McCain? You're afraid to talk politics and I can see. Just leave the topic then, it's that simple.
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#10  Edited By ManMadeGod

Ok Jeff, thanks for clearing that up.