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I Think I Broke My Déjà Vu...

Ok, so this thing has been happening to me kind of frequently, and I’m wondering if it’s an actual thing or if I’m just a dumbass. I’m also terrible at explaining things, so bear with me.


Some sort of event will happen – anything, really, like dropping a candy bar off a roof, having a  conversation, etc. – and when it happens I won’t necessarily think much of it. But later, maybe after 5 minutes have passed, maybe a couple hours, I’ll think about that event happening, and I’ll feel like that wasn’t the first time that had happened. Like, I get Déjà vu, but not until the event I’m getting it from has passed. 

Now first off, I do realize that when I’m thinking about dropping the candy bar, it did already happen, and that’s what I’m thinking about. But there’s like a weird… memory echo, or something, and when it happens it bugs the hell out of me. Of course, I can never actually remember the ‘first’ time I seem to feel took place, and after a couple minutes I just say 'fuck it' and move on. And there’s no pattern to what kind of events cause this, either, it’s totally random, but it usually happens at least... once a month, maybe? I should also mention that sometimes, when the event is in progress, it’ll occur to me that this is something new and unique... Which all sounds kinda like normal Deja vu, but I never get that!   


 Does anyone else have this problem? Is my memory just fucked up? How does your  Déjà vu  usually work? The Google isn’t giving me anything on ‘ex post facto’ déjà vu, so I’m inclined to think I’m just being ridiculous, but if any of this sounds familiar, or at least makes any sense to anybody, I’d feel a little better about it (I’m looking at you, psych majors).



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Edited By MarkWahlberg

Ok, so this thing has been happening to me kind of frequently, and I’m wondering if it’s an actual thing or if I’m just a dumbass. I’m also terrible at explaining things, so bear with me.


Some sort of event will happen – anything, really, like dropping a candy bar off a roof, having a  conversation, etc. – and when it happens I won’t necessarily think much of it. But later, maybe after 5 minutes have passed, maybe a couple hours, I’ll think about that event happening, and I’ll feel like that wasn’t the first time that had happened. Like, I get Déjà vu, but not until the event I’m getting it from has passed. 

Now first off, I do realize that when I’m thinking about dropping the candy bar, it did already happen, and that’s what I’m thinking about. But there’s like a weird… memory echo, or something, and when it happens it bugs the hell out of me. Of course, I can never actually remember the ‘first’ time I seem to feel took place, and after a couple minutes I just say 'fuck it' and move on. And there’s no pattern to what kind of events cause this, either, it’s totally random, but it usually happens at least... once a month, maybe? I should also mention that sometimes, when the event is in progress, it’ll occur to me that this is something new and unique... Which all sounds kinda like normal Deja vu, but I never get that!   


 Does anyone else have this problem? Is my memory just fucked up? How does your  Déjà vu  usually work? The Google isn’t giving me anything on‘ex post facto’ déjà vu, so I’m inclined to think I’m just being ridiculous, but if any of this sounds familiar, or at least makes any sense to anybody, I’d feel a little better about it (I’m looking at you, psych majors).

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Edited By Xeiphyer

I think that means your going to die bro =( 
Chances are this is just your memory playing tricks on you, which of course is what deja vu is anyways. Its hard to say how it works exactly since its mostly a mystery anyways.

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Edited By ArchScabby

I usually get deja vu about once a week.  While I'm doing something I feel like I've done it before, and it keeps feeling like that for about 15 seconds then it stops.  It almost gets to the point where I feel like I can predict what is going to happen next.  It's the weirdest feeling.  I probably have a brain tumor or something.

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Edited By buzz_clik

Okay, with that out of the way, doesn't that just mean that the belated déjà vu is the real déjà vu?
Also, there's something about your mindfuck title for this blog post that I really like.

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@markwahlberg: thats the exactly same thing what is hapening to me. i was wondering if someone had broken déjà vu like me so i decided to ask everyone even the strangers :D. i study on psychology and tried to find some information abot that but... nothing. im so happy right now cuz im not alone :D and u arent.

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Edited By Onemanarmyy

I have this 2-3x per year. I think i'm sort of dreaming them up in bed beforehand, but don't store it in my memory. Once the conversation happens in reality, i recognize the words that are spoken and how things move in the 'scene' . I'm aware that those moments only happened once though. The first glimpse is just me laying in bed dreaming them up.

or aliens.

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@markwahlberg: I see what you did there...

Im Epileptic and I have super strong Deja Vu at least once a week because of it. Im talking like something very simple, like moving something, or being somewhere and it hits me SO HARD. Its really difficult to do it justice in writing but it just feels so weird. I know its Deja Vu but it makes me unconformable for a few minutes. I guess its common in people with Epilepsy.

Im not trying to say thats what you have, im not a neurologist, but im sharing my own Deju Vu experience.

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I'm pretty sure feeling Deja Vu, doesn't necessarily mean you have experienced the thing you are at that moment deja vuing about before. I think it's just a sensation in your brain, it might have to do with a previous experience you might have had that is recalled and layed over your current experience but I think this is not always the case. So I'm pretty sure you can't deduce any supernatural or extraterrestial knowledge from it, or base important life decisions on it. But if it really bugs you out to the point where you freak out you should probably find ways to make art inspired by it @markwahlberg :)

Mostly I think Deja vu shows a bit that the brain is just a piece of machinery too (although of course far more intricate then "human made" machines)

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fisk0  Moderator

This is a 6 year old thread, so I'm locking this.

We do allow necroing old threads if it's a broader topic that still has discussional value, but all the new posts here are directly replying to the 6 year old OP.