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Top Ten Games of 2011.

It has been quite a remarkable year for gaming, that's for damn sure. In fact, I think this is the first year I broke the bank personally with buying just about every game that I wanted to buy this fall, which was like ten different games. While they are not all on this list, many of them are, because for how awful a year it was for films, gaming sure filled that gap. Here are the top ten as I see fit.

List items

  • Consuming my life for a month, Skyrim is without a doubt 2011's game of the year. It's sprawling, daunting, and consuming world had me glued for 120 hours, probably more when it was all said and done. I haven't been this enthralled with a game since, well, the last Elder Scrolls. Skyrim is a game that will keep any gamer busy for a long time, and I can't wait to see what Bethesda releases as downloadable content. However, those guys are taking a nice, long vacation. And that vacation is much deserved, that's for sure. While Skyrim did suffer for the typical Bethesda bugs, they were rather quick to fix them and iron out any problems with the game. The atmosphere, the depth, everything about this game is just simply put: the best that 2011 has to offer.

  • From it's surprise intro, to the shocking conclusion, Batman: Arkham City upped just about everything I loved from its predecessor to the next level. Redefining itself with even better control over the freeflow combat system, a five times the size of Arkham Asylum open environment, and including enough side mission's and cameo's from some of Batman's stellar rouge gallery, Arkham City is any Bat-fan's gaming wet dream come true. I've even enjoyed playing as Catwoman, Nightwing, and Robin. I really don't know if Rocksteady can top perfection a third time.

  • Saint's Row: The Third is insane. That's for sure. It amazes me it took Volition three games to get it right, but come closer to Grand Theft Auto 5's release, Rockstar better look at SR3 for some tips on how to make their game better. Excluding everything I hated about the other two Saints Row games, The Third rolls into town with flawless drop in and out co-op play, no silly multiplayer this time around, and an awesome plot that had me laughing and rolling my eyes at it's sheer stupidity for the better part of 12 - 15 hours. With excellent side missions, this is probably the best sandbox game anyone has made in the last five years.

  • I'll be honest, up until a few days ago, I hadn't played Bastion. I meant to buy it when it was released back in July, but it kind of got lost through the shuffle of the year. With Microsoft putting it up as a half of deal of the day during the twelve days of Christmas sale, I felt it was time to pick this up. This is a fantastic action/RPG, that feels like it is a lost Super Nintendo game. The graphics are beautiful, and I have to give this team of seven dudes props for an excellent soundtrack. The game's narrator through me off at first, but I fell in love with everything this game had to offer. Don't miss it.

  • Oh, Dark Souls, you are so good. I honestly don't remember a game stirring alive the gamer community more, at least since the days of Super Nintendo. Dark Souls accomplished more then just a great RPG that will kick your ass this year, it brought together just about any gamer that would be willing to play this punishing game. The reward you feel when you get further in the game is probably the most satisfying feeling you will feel all year, if that's what you are looking for in a video game.

  • It's amazing that not many have even cited this game in their lists. After being delayed several times, I found myself enjoying the crazy, dark cyber-punkish work that Deus Ex Human Revolution had to offer. Adam Jensen is amongst one of the best new characters of the year, and your ability to upgrade him to a virtually unstoppable level is one of gaming's highlights of this year.

  • SANDBOX MODE. Yes, that one mode redefine's everything you know about Dead Rising. It's something I've been rallying for with this series since 2006, and I'm glad they've finally decided to give it a go. Playing with Frank West in a rewritten version of Dead Rising 2's storyline was one of the year's bigger surprises for me, considering that I thought the game would be mildly entertaining at best. The $40 price tag made it a steal this fall as well, especially during the rush of the holiday's.

  • Dead Space 2 floored me with how much more it offered over the original, which is surprising considering the original was more of a sleeper hit then anything else. Giving Isaac Clarke a voice is also a nice touch too, but I still kind of prefer him to be voiceless, that's just me though. The atmosphere and the big set pieces only furthered my enjoyment from this game, and the conclusion was satisfying, if setting up the game for an inevitable sequel.

  • No one will pick this as their game of the year, and I still question the "Velvet GOTY" edition of this game actually exists, however for as bad as the original Two Worlds was, I found myself enjoying everything about Two Worlds 2. It's almost a completely different game from its predecessor, which is shocking. The co-op also worked quite well. The only downfall of the game was in its piss poor, tacked on multiplayer. But I enjoyed the hell out of this RPG.