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#1  Edited By MDomier

I'm not sure how many of you guys or gals are gamers with families ( I would imagine a few of you are), but damn do I not have the time to do anything anymore.  I love movies and video games, but with a family it is really hard to find the time.  My typical day is work till 4:30, get home around 5:00, Cook/Eat/Clean Dishes, play with kids, put kids to bed, hang out with wife, play games once everyone is asleep, swear at the clock when it's 2 am and I need to get up at 6:15 for work....rinse and repeat.  I knew the when I got married there would be sacrifices.  I also knew that when we had kids there would be even more sacrifices.  What I didn't know is that my body really only needs 3 hours of sleep to get through the day....hmmm who knew.  
Anyways, if any of you gaming spouses (I'll include the lady gamers out there (both of them)) have any good stories on how you maintain your gamer status while juggling the rest of your life...I'm all ears. 
Game on my friends, 