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RIP 360

 The things nightmares are made of.
 The things nightmares are made of.
Well, I was going for all the feathers this morning (Thursday Jan. 28th, 2010 // 2:30am ET) in Assassin's Creed II and my 360 had a heart attack.  After getting the 3 red rings back in '07 and shipping it out under warranty, I figured they had fixed the problem.  In the fall of '09 my 360's hard drive port failed and I've been working off of a memory stick ever since.  I was planning on asking for a 360 Arcade for my birthday in March and I was hoping my Pro would last me until then.  Unfortunately, my 360 has taken a turn for the worse with the Red Ring of Death.
If you don't know, there are 100 feathers to collect in Assassin's Creed II.   How many do you think I managed to collect before it Red Ringed?  If you guessed 99, you're correct!  I also had one glyph left to solve (out of 30).  I only need another 20 minutes or so to wrap up the last 3 achievements in ACII (making it the 4th game I got 1000GS for), but my 360 just couldn't take it.
I suppose I'll get some sleep and try to reboot it in the morning, but it's not looking good.
EDIT (9:05 am):  My 360 booted up but is making awful noises.  It's certainly on life support.
2nd EDIT (9:09 am):  Got the RROD again.  Seems to be dead for sure.
RIP 360:  03.31.06 - 01.28.10