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Games I've started (and maybe finished) in 2018

Here's everything that I've been playing this year. I'm keeping a running tally of my thoughts on each game and will be giving them a score out of 10.

List items

  • Started this game in 2017, but finally got around to finishing it in January. I'm not even sure why I fell off of it the first time around, because I immediately got sucked back into the story as soon as I picked it back up. The gameplay is really fun, and I wish I knew more friends who played this game so we could do competitive multiplayer. (9/10)

  • Still pick up this old friend from time to time.

  • Like everyone else, I've played Fortnite this year. I'm not even going to score this because the Battle Royale mode has completely out-paced me. The meta has changed so much I haven't bothered jumping back in yet, but when I was playing earlier this year, it was the most fun I've had in a while playing a game with friends.

  • (8/10) While I eventually grew tired of the grind in this game, I easily spent a month playing this game when it first came out. I had never played a Monster Hunter game before, but I found this easy to get into and understand, which seems like a first for this series. It made me want to dive back into others in the series, though I haven't actually done that yet.

  • Tried this but couldn't get into it.

  • Finally downloaded this game on my Mac. I had heard good thing but now I regret not playing it sooner. Knocked it out in about five or six hours and laughed almost the entire time. One of the few video games that actually does humor well. (8/10)

  • The best game I've played in years. I was obsessed with the story and found the combat to be incredibly fluid. Unlike others, I didn't find it repetitive. (10/10)

  • Damn this game is hard, but I love the soundtrack. (8/10)

  • The online multiplayer is tons of fun, but the story mode was too short and too easy. I wish there was more single-player content. (7/10)

  • I heard Jason and Jeff talk about this on the Bombcast, so I decided to pick it up. I had a fun few hours with it, but not enough depth to justify the $60 price tag. (6/10)

  • Bought the remastered version on PS4. I actually never played this when it first came out, but Burnout 3 and Revenge were some of my favorite games of their respective generations. Nearly 100 percented this game. The driving still feels fantastic and gave me an arcadey feel that I miss from modern racing games. (9/10)

  • Picked this back up when the Donkey Kong expansion came out. I love this game, and hope they make a sequel. (8/10)

  • Picked this up because it was free and enjoyed it for a few hours or so. Eventually got bored of the grind and didn't feel compelled to put some money into it. (6/10)

  • I had never played any Jackbox games, only watched them on streams, and they seem fun. I usually play these games with a group of four but feel like it could be more fun with six or eight. Guesspoinage is my favorite among this group, and Tee KO can be hilarious. (8/10)

  • Downloaded this when it was free on PS-Plus. The performance on console is pretty bad, and I can't stand the load times. However, I find this an easy game to drop in and out of. I like being able to pick it up and play a mission for a half hour or just spend 15 minutes doing some base and inventory management. But damn, this game is hard. (7/10)

  • I buy Madden every year blindly, so the quality of the game usually won't deter me or encourage me one way or the other. I'm mainly here for Ultimate Team, and I can say that I love the new training points system. However, there are still too many glitches for them to be this deep into the console's lifecycle and in the second year of using the Frostbite engine. There's also fewer solo challenges that are worth a decent amount of VC, so they pigeonhole you into spending real money on blind packs rather than being able to drop VC in the auction house. The game is still really fun to play, though, and running feels better than ever. (7/10)

  • I was hankering for a JRPG this year, and this definitely satisfied the craving. The combat is surprisingly deep the more you play and requires quite a bit of strategy. Didn't end up beating it because Spider-Man came out, and the stories weren't interesting enough to keep me coming back, but I have no regrets about the 30-some hours I put into it. (8/10)

  • Everyone should play this game. The web swinging feels great, the combat gets deeper as the game goes on, and I actually enjoyed the story. Could have done without the stealth missions, though. (9/10)

  • Working on this game now on my Switch. So far I'm loving it and I'm looking forward to playing it more during some long plane rides during the holidays.

  • Got this when it came to the Switch. The game is great, but I'm really struggling to pick up the rhythm of the combat and some good strategies. Will come back to score this once I have put more time into it.

  • Just bought this. Mad Verse City and You Don't Know Jack are both great. Split the room is just OK. The invention game is really fun but damn is it hard to draw on a phone screen like that. The other game (whose name I can't remember) is not good and seems really out of place here. (7/10)