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Waste of Money Part 2: Games I Own, and Have Played but Will Probably Never Finish

This list comprises games that I have blown my money on only to discover that I either intensely dislike them, fell victim to a game crashing bug, or simply had my interest in them fizzle out.

List items

  • I found this game enjoyable despite finding it inferior to Sands of Time in nearly every way. Until that is I reached the final portal you have to enter in order to trigger the final boss battle. I jumped in the portal and nothing happened. I tried again and again, I reloaded, I reset my system nothing. Upon searching the internet I learned that this was a common glitch triggered by going through any of the games previous portals more than once. There was no solution other than playing through the entire game again. I have not touched the game since.

  • The narrative and the constant need to grind levels did little to inspire me to play on. Despite having sunk nearly forty hours into this game I have no intention of returning to Ivalice.

  • The archaic save system, time sensitive mission structure, and weapon degradation component were the kick in the balls necessary to keep me from sticking with this game.

  • You do not actually finish an MMO per se, but the point stands that I wasted my money on not only this game but both Burning Crusade as well as Wrath of the Lich King. I blew nearly $80 on a six month subscription only to stop one month into it at around level 39 thereby wasting the other $65. Then Cataclysm came out and I convinced myself once again that I liked this game putting down another $39.99 on the expansion and $80 on the six month subscription AGAIN. I stopped playing again after about a month at around level 61. To date, this has to be my biggest waste of money ever.

  • I bought this despite being all to aware of the fact that I was in the midst of serious open world fatigue particularly when it came to the grand theft auto franchise. Upon unlocking the third island I set this aside and never returned to it. Given that my save file is on my original Xbox which has a faulty disc drive I am confident that that this will stand as the only post GTA-3 grand theft auto game that I have not played to completion.

  • In the stealth action fervor that I experienced post Metal Gear Solid 2 and the first Splinter Cell, I picked up this game which had received relatively positive reviews at the time. I played through the first level before deciding that it was garbage.

  • I started this game two different times out of some misguided attempt to convince myself I liked it. In that respect this game helped me learn that just because a game reviews well and is seemingly beloved by gamers does not mean it is always for me.

  • The game was a visual eye sore and broken in so many amazing ways. I never played the first installment and therefore there is no nostalgia factor compelling me to play on.

  • This game was a birthday present and one of the few games that was worth playing for the Playstation 3 at the time. Unfortunately I purchased an Xbox 360 not long after and this game became a distant memory

  • I picked this game up on a whim for my Playstation 3 as I waited for my 360 to return from its second failure. I had not played a survival horror game since Resident Evil 2 and Silent Hill for the original Playstation and in general have never been particularly fond of the tension that these games create.

  • Like a lot of people on this site, I was so taken with the first Endurance Run that I went out and picked up a copy of Persona 4, and I played it all the way through all the while loving every single one of those 91 hours. I enjoyed it so much in fact that I decided to pick up the previous game in the series. Unfortunately, Persona 3 didn't hold the same magic for me. The inability to directly control your party members, the idea of one long dungeon instead of the numerous clever dungeons in Persona 4, and a general disinterest in the narrative saw to it that this was one game I would not endure.

  • I picked up the Ultimate Edition for $39 after being beaten over the head for a full year with recommendations. I started it up and loved the first fifteen or so hours. It rekindled my dormant love for Knights of the Old Republic which subsequent Bioware games like Jade Empire and Mass Effect 1 and 2 never seemed to reach. Then I hit "The Fade" level and by the end every ounce of joy and desire to play on out of me. I soldiered on but the grueling difficulty of the random encounters wore on me. I stalled out and truly have less than zero desire to ever return.