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I liked the glory kills. They let me feel like I was stringing together a combo with my shooting and punching in a really unique way.

I get why some people would think they got a little repetitive, but honestly I thought the whole game got a little repetitive toward the end. I stopped playing for like a month just because I was bored of it, only to come back and realize I had like an hour left in the game.

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I think the problem is that there's no way to play Crucible casually anymore. I've found the quick play playlist to be terrible due to the fact that it's 4v4 now.

I have GREATLY enjoyed the competitive playlist. The game modes feel more appropriate for 4v4, and they require you to take the game a bit more seriously. When you do, it's actually very very fun.

I did my first ticket of Trials of the Nine yesterday and really enjoyed it as well. I think everything in the game (the weapon system, the ability cooldowns, etc.) are balanced almost perfectly for high-stakes multiplayer. It's just not as fun to jump into a casual mode and screw around. Pretty disappointing, but ultimately I think I'm okay with it.

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They probably should, but I bet they don't. It would probably take more resources than they want to devote to balancing a specific version of the game, and would make things confusing for the community.

Ultimately it shouldn't be a huge deal, since everyone on PC will be on an even playing field with each other. It'll just have a different meta.

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I definitely think we'll get a sequel. I hope they take their time with it and don't go overboard. It's easy to imagine a Doom 2 that takes the attitude too far. With how well they handled this Doom though, they've earned my trust. Excited for more.

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Brad said on Twitter that it's still happening. Last week they cancelled it because of TI. This week they just couldn't find the time.

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I have never watched an anime, and don't really have much interest in watching one. I also don't really play JRPGs. I played Persona 5 despite all that and it became one of my favorite games ever. Go for it.

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#7  Edited By MisterEyeballs

@afabs515: I agree the generic "Hey should we go to the palace?" texts were annoying, but they were quick enough that I could just ignore them. Personally, the localization didn't bother me much. The only character I thought was really bad was Sae. Some of the other adults were just kind of robotic but it didn't bother me that much.

@mgalchemist: Yeah that's 100% how I feel about Yosuke. If I was the player character I'd have kicked Yosuke out of the fucking group after the shit he said to Kanji. I haven't played the 4 spinoffs, so maybe that's partly why I like Teddie. I thought his hitting-on-girls stuff was just sort of funny as a "this thing that's not human doesn't understand how humans are supposed to treat each other" situation. I never thought anything he said was exceptionally creepy or pervy, just desperate.

@teddie: That's an interesting perspective on Kanji I hadn't thought of. To be clear, though, I don't think he needed to perfectly understand his sexuality. I just think he should have, at some point later in the game, accepted the fact that he was into dudes. I also wish that when Yosuke said dumb shit to him, his stood up for himself and just told Yosuke to fuck off instead of being like "whaddaya mean, I'm not like that!" To be fair he did that a few times, I just wish it was more of that. I think they could have given his character a progression from being unsure of himself to being comfortable with who he is. After all, the game is about people facing themselves and understanding who they are, and it is a coming of age story to some extent.

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@efesell: That was definitely the main point of her gender stuff, but unless I'm misremembering it was heavily implied if not said outright that her TV show was her changing her sex. I'll grant you that even that could just be because she wanted to be respected in her field.

You're probably right, that was just how I read her situation. Might've been taking an extra leap in logic that Atlus never intended. I also just kinda wanted her to actually identify as a man cuz that would've been a cool thing to do in that game. Like I said, I was way less bothered by her than Kanji, and even that was relatively minor.

Just some small gripes that I think makes those characters not quite as fleshed out and well written as people seem to remember them.

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@efesell: Yeah she was more ambiguous. I didn't mind her as much because she's not, like, confused the entire game. Whatever her deal is, she seems comfortable with it. Kanji just feels like they forgot to make the part of the game when he comes to a conclusion about himself.

It wasn't completely terrible or anything, it just bugged me the whole time.

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Yosuke is a miserable character, Teddie's often worse, and the handling of Kanji and especially Naoto really makes me cringe at times even if I like both of those characters a whole lot.

For real, this is why I don't think that P4's characters are actually better than P5's. Yosuke's presence actively makes that game worse, especially during that fucking school campout. Kanji and Naoto are both really likable characters who are great ideas for characters in that game. Unfortunately, the game doesn't commit to making Kanji gay or making Naoto trans. Both those aspects of them just kinda fizzle out and don't go anywhere, and the characters are just left being moderately confused about themselves. And every time Yosuke says anything to Kanji I want to punch the screen.

That being said, what's wrong with Teddie? I actually really liked him.