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The thought puzzle, Ship of Theseus, asks if an object that has had all of its original components replaced remains the same object.

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Games Everyone Should Play

These are games everyone should play because they show off gaming as it stands today.

List items

  • Best intergration of story and action. Playable and watchable at once.

  • This is a pure concept of real movement game. No it doesn't mimic sports but it mimics the FUN you should have while playing a sports video game title. Truly, a game for those 8 to 80.

  • A cover shooter that is dumb. I mean dumb not in a disparaging way, but on philospgical level 'a dude' shooting a gun in a game so basic - it is dumb. Meatheads shooting guns at stuff they don't understand for reaosn they don't get - that is a cypher for every war.

  • A game mechanic that is intersting even to non-gamers. A puzzle game that is more thoughful and action orineted than almost any has ever been. It's the egg-head with muscles game.

  • Asks more questiosn tahn ist answers with ist story, does more with less with its game play. A modern classic.

  • SOme peopel grok this idea and soem don't. THis to me is teh sort fo game I coudl play in endless varaiatiosn and always find joy. I like story, I like choice, and I like consequence. Some people HATE those things in games, but I love them.

  • I think this is the sort of open world game I like. GTA 5 is nice, but this just thrilled me to my bones. I dislike some of the trapping of AC, but this had the right 'sugar' to make the medicine go down.

  • The idea alone is oddly fascinating. Indie games exist to give you this sort of "gut check" about what more games can mean and teach us.

  • I still think this is the best online shooter ever created. Chest pounding is hard to do when one stray bullet kills you five second into the round. Oh you can pound your chest to boast, but you're dead, so nobody cares or hears you.