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It's me, Moosey! They/them pronouns for anyone wondering.

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Why does Split Second's ending have a semblance of plot?

I was playing Split Second the other day, and after completing the final elite race in Season Mode, I was surprised to see the game attempt some sort of story, and of course it was a twist cliff-hanger ending. 
Now, I don't really mind twist/cliffhanger endings, but why have the end of the game be the only bit with story? Up to that point, the only "story" was the premise for the game (it's a TV show). Why even bother throwing plot in it? Clearly if people played to the end they didn't need to be motivated by story to do so (the game is quite fun).  
Well, I guess that if they're going to be changing something in the eventual sequel, it does help to explain why, but why not just explain it in the sequel? Or perhaps have there be bits of plot throughout the whole game? Why not hint at what happens at the end throughout the game instead of simply throwing it in at the last minute?


What happened to all the product placement in Peace Walker?

So, I've been playing Peace Walker quite a bit since I bought it yesterday (and I love it!), and I've noticed something. All of the products that were going to be in the game (like Doritos and Mountain Dew) have been replaced with generic items like "Tortilla Chips" and "Lime Soda". My question is, why was this stuff left out of the US version? 
I realize that most people don't think kindly of product placement in games, but I think it's funny. I'd rather be sneaking through the woods with Doritos and Dew than with generic chips and off-brand soda.  
But at least the items are still in the game, meaning that the only actual difference is a cosmetic one. But still, wouldn't you think that Doritos and Dew would be targeted more at the US than Japan (I've read that the product placement is still in that version). Unless they realize that US gamers are already consuming enough of that, and they want to boost sales in Japan. 


If Scribblenauts 2 is Super Scribblenauts...

Then will the third one be Scribblenauts 64? You know, because back in the day they would just add "Super" to the start of SNES games (Super Metroid comes to mind). And then on the N64, they just added 64 to the end, like Star Fox 64.


My grandmother knows nothing of Tesla.

So, my grandmother came back from "Chicargo" (as she says it) the other day, and she brought back some t-shirts. 
Anyway, instead of getting something that I would actually like, she brought back a shirt with an Edison quote on it (which if you know anything about Tesla and Edison, they were mortal enemies). And I'm pretty sure you can tell which one I like (hint: it's Tesla). So obviously, I can't wear a shirt with my hero's arch enemy on it. Not only that, but my grandmother can't even pronounce Tesla's name right! She says "Tesler". Stupid Boston accent! And she doesn't even live in Boston! (We hail from western Massachusetts). 
And the other shirt she brought was even worse. It was from the Henry Ford museum, and it was all covered in Ford propaganda. And I am not a big fan of Ford. Why? Their cars are junk. Sure, all American cars these days are junk, but Fords are worse. Why? Well, they didn't get a bailout from the government because they were so bad they fell apart before GM or Chrysler did, and thus had already restructured and whatnot. 
Plus, anyone who dug into Assassin's Creed II and found all of those hidden symbol dealies will tell you what types of evil shenanigan's Edison and Ford got into, all whilst Tesla was fighting for good. What's that you say? That game is fiction? LIES! It's a historical document!1!  
(No, I don't really think it's real). 


I played some more Deadly Premonition today...

And boy, it sure is a slow paced game. I've been playing with a buddy of mine, and even though we spent 3-4 hours playing today, it doesn't really feel like we accomplished much (aside from finding shotgun ammo whilst fishing, even though we have yet to acquire a shotgun). We got to one spot where we had to wait until 15:00 for a town meeting to occur, so we showed up and figured we'd just wait around for an in-game hour. We figured out that an in-game minute is equal to 20 seconds of real world time.  
But the story is actually intriguing, and it's hilarious, so it's worth it. 



Okay, this is now the fourth time I've had a big game spoiled on me. First, it was Killzone 2 (which wasn't too bad, because I didn't care all that much). Then, it was Uncharted 2. Then, it was Heavy Rain. 
Now Red Dead Redemption has been spoiled on me. 
I was just reading through the forums here on GiantBomb, trying to find tips for the challenges in the game (which are ridiculous, by the way), when I came across spoilers for the game's ending.  And of course it had to have a HUGE twist, rather than just ending. 
Stupid plot twist spoilers. I hate them.


You know what, Domino's Pizza still SUCKS.

Today was not a good day. Because of some dust storm, half of UMass was out of power this evening, and that combined with a BBQ incident that involved too much fire caused the dining commons to not be opened. Thus, a couple of friends and I ordered pizzas from Domino's, which seemed like a good idea because we got two larges for $12.56  
Anyway, they delivered the pizza, we ate it, and you know what? 
It sucked a**!  
It was bland, and not very greasy. Now I am planning on sending Domino's a very angry email about their lie filled campaign to brainwash America into thinking that the garbage they try to claim is food is edible. And if you know what's good for you, you'll join my ranks and also send an angry email, regardless of whether you've actually eaten any of the pizza. Because as Americans, we don't need facts or evidence.  
WHO IS WITH ME?!?!!? WE SHALL HAVE VENGEANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!