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Introduction :)

If your reading this it means your in the right place, my blog . I'm going to keep this post short due to the amount of time I have right now. I use to make fun of people who have blogs but up until this week I started to accumulate an interest for them. Blogs seem like a great place to share my thoughts, and idea's and events that happen to me.

I created this blog in hope people could read what I have to say. My hope is to update it everyday with random information. This information may include:
- Cool things I found on the Internet
- Reviews to movies, or shows that I watched.
- My idea's and views on certain world issues
- Also everything you can think of, this blog will speak my mind

I hope you enjoy your stay here, please leave comments and suggestions on what I should do with this blog. I will continue to update it with more information as time goes on.

Thank You


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Forum Posts


Wiki Points



Reviews: 1

User Lists: 1

Edited By Mordok44

If your reading this it means your in the right place, my blog . I'm going to keep this post short due to the amount of time I have right now. I use to make fun of people who have blogs but up until this week I started to accumulate an interest for them. Blogs seem like a great place to share my thoughts, and idea's and events that happen to me.

I created this blog in hope people could read what I have to say. My hope is to update it everyday with random information. This information may include:
- Cool things I found on the Internet
- Reviews to movies, or shows that I watched.
- My idea's and views on certain world issues
- Also everything you can think of, this blog will speak my mind

I hope you enjoy your stay here, please leave comments and suggestions on what I should do with this blog. I will continue to update it with more information as time goes on.

Thank You