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MAF's Playlist - Week of 07/11/11

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3: I've dumped a good 15 hours into this release so far- great game- the best in terms of gameplay. People complain about the dialogue but I think they're starting to have fun with the corny nature of the communications between pilots. Pilot comments are absurd but still fall within the context of the fight- great stuff. I think my only super-minor gripe is that when comparing mobile suit plans it shows the net loss in the event you KEPT the old plan, not the gain when keeping the new plan. Its kinda backwards.

Alice: Madness Returns: Halfway through this game. One of my favorites this year. While it doesn't push the envelope in terms of mechanics- it does in terms of style and atmosphere. The game follows the tried but true formula of gradually expanding available skills and constantly testing these skills as a whole as the game progresses. Some call it 'zelda-ish'- Darksiders also followed this formula and was better for it.

When people criticize this game they frequently resort to breaking down the game to its basic mechanics as if its a sign of heavy repetition- 'is it still jump jump float'? Yes, and is mario still 'jump jump fireball?' People are so strangely selective about using this argument.

Fallout: New Vegas: I actually played three or so hours into this when it was first released. It didn't hook me like Fallout 3 did- but maybe its all about location for me. Recognizing a structure in a post-apocalyptic wasteland is powerful stuff. Slogging through the killing fields of the Mall of America was a big moment, and wandering the early areas in New Vegas just doesn't have that punch. Still, this is definitely a 'personal problem' so i've decided to GROW A PAIR and wander back into New Vegas. I've created and old crazy chinese man that will save New Vegas- or just get ants in his pants.

Ascension (iPad): If you like card games but dont like buying booster packs this is the game for you. Its a set deck, every player starts with the same hand of cards and builds their deck as the game progresses. A great mix of skill and luck. Has online play through game center too!