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Huge Update!!!

   So, I've been invisible as far as internet blogging is concerned. I've been so busy and have been leading a more active lifestyle. Besides fucking facebook, I don't do much on the world wide web anymore. I'd like that to change. 
   I was recently fired from Target, but now, I'm going to be working at Best Buy! I'm pretty excited about it, and being around all of that media, I feel like I'm going to be playing a lot more video games. Recently, I've been playing, almost exclusively, MLB 09 The Show.
   I did, however, purchase and complete Batman: Arkham Asylum and have been playing my friend's DS and PSP. I've missed out on a lot games over the summer. I beat Infamous, UFC, but all in all, I really haven't played a lot of video games over the time I haven't been producing video blogs. I'm going to college now, majoring in Media Studies / Broadcasting, and that's re-sparking my interest in these video blogs I once used to enjoy showing to you all.
   This holiday season is shaping up to be a huge one for the video game world, and I'm looking to re-introduce Awesomeness to you all. Please be patient with me, I want to make sure I'm ready to come back before I do. I don't want to make one video and then stop for months again like I have done in the past. Bojangles is almost back. And this time... it's for reals.