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Games I Played 2021: Kill la Kill -If

Since one of the hardest things for me is remembering the games I played during a year, whether it came out said year or not, I decided to jot down some thoughts about the games I do play this year. Will this or any of the games be on my GOTY list this year? Only time will tell, but at least I'll be able to remember if it was worth adding.

Kill la Kill -If is a game based off an anime that I've seen some of. It's ridiculous and super fan service, but also rather entertaining. The story is rather entertaining and is probably more cutscene than fighting, which I don't know if I prefer more or not. Oncs you complete Satsuki's story you tgen switch to Ryuko's side of the story, which fills in the gap and is a little weaker than the first part though the last fight is pretty cool.

The gameplay itself is all right. It's easy to do cool things, which is good cause I'm not really great at fighting games. Some of the fights are annoying and from time to time the camera seemed to forget who I was playing and focused behind the cpu character making it rather frustrating to play.

Content wise the game is kinda light. The story took me about 3 hours to complete both sides and the other game modes are so-so. There are only 8(?) characters making the package feel rather barebones overall. I only payed $10 for it, which is probably all I'd recommend paying.

All that said, i did enjoy the time I spent with it. I may go back to it just to blow of some steam as it's fun to just mash some buttons.

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