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My top 10 favorite video games of all time

List items

  • This was the first video game I ever laid my hands on. I immediately fell in love with video games.

  • Aside from SMW sparking my interest in video games, Starcraft was my first true addiction to a video game. So many hours...

  • I was a huge fan when guitar hero first came out, but the rock band franchise was the first to introduce the band concept. I always gravitated towards the set list in rock band and thats why I prefer it over guitar hero.

  • A huge game that only surpasses elder scrolls because of its setting and atmosphere.

  • A great story and game experience with a gritty atmosphere that gave me the chills more that once.

  • One of the best games ever made. Period.

  • The only mario kart game worth playing in my opinion. It plays great, its portable and supports multiplayer with only one game, what more do you want?

  • An amazing remake of a classic game. A very fun game with extremely difficult skill challenges.

  • Carcassonne is the best board game ever. The video game version just streamlines the game so much that makes it a much more strategic and enjoyable experience to play on the xbox