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Strangest thing done to play a game

When I think of all the games Ive played in my life, what comes to mind are the moments when I played them, not the gameplay or the game it self.  
You know, summer afternoons with FinalFantsy, school nights with zelda, even spring mornings with other games. 
Whats funny though, is what I did to play or keep playing some of those games.
I remember I had to get an award at elementary school so my dad would buy me a game I wanted. 
I told my girlfriend I had a stomach ache many times so I could hang out and play gamecube, ps1 and gameboy games with her best friend's cousin. 
But the one I remember the most, the one I would never do again, even though I dont regret it, is missing school for over a week to play a portable game. 
I would take the bus to school but didint actually go there, I kept riding the bus. At the bus stop I called up my school using a public phone so the street noise would drown out the sound of my voice and I would try to sound like my dad or my older brother. I told them how my son or younger brother had health problems and couldnt go to school. Because of the background noise theyd just thanked me for calling and asked for the students name so they could tell the teachers so that it wouldnt afect my grades. I would ride back in the same bus and spend hours at my neighbors house. We ate pizza and I played my game while he played his. His mom was not home during the morning so we were able to pull off that week or so of gaming. When I went back to school, all the worried looks and get well wishes and cards/ballons made me feel good for having people who cared, but bad for making them think I was actually sick. Thats part of the reason I would never do that again, and Im too old to do that now. 
Whats the weirdest thing youve done to play a game, did you miss school, work, something important. Let the Giant Bomb community know.    


I just got my ps3

I just got my ps3. This is so awesome. Its odd saying this, but this is the first current gen console I've had. Something always came up, so I never purchased them.
I remember I used to get consoles as soon as they came out. I wasnt exacly standing in line, but I used to get them before most of  my friends. 
Now though, its hard to give your self time to play games when your school (im 22 BTW), with friends or doing some other stuff.
I still consider my self a gamer, cause even though I didint had a current console, I couldnt stop cheking sites like giant bomb that are all about videogames. I was still into this stuff.
I gota say though. even though its fucking awesome. Im still waiting to see the best of the console. So far I've only played hulk, gta  4, motorstorm, and drake's fortune.
I'll just wait and see what comes next.


Is GameSpot out to get me or am I paranoid????

Normally, I wouldnt say anything bad about any website. I mean, why would I. Its not like anything is going to happen afther that, things that I dont like about it wont change cause I said something, so again, why would I????

Well recently I got my answer. I rember that before was created, I was a happy GS member, with a 3 or 4 y/o acount. At some point I was a total acces paying member, who every now and then posted things on the forums. Created a few hot topics, posted pictures on my acount, I was even a high lvl with lots of badges (kinda like achievements from xbox) for watching e3 on gamespot, GDC, tokyo game show, you name it.

I did get a few monitor warnings for this and that, so I knew I was on thin ice with them. I decided not to go back for a whille (1 year or so), so when I did, my acount had been deleted, and it gave me a GAMEOVER mssge. I wasnt suprised. It was gamespot afther all. Lots of their original or senior workers left for a reason.
But recently I tried to setup a new acount with them. So I could get a fresh start. No more bad words on forums, flaming, or anything of the sort. I just wanted to watch the live press conferences from the big 3 on their page and get my badge for doing so. But nooooooooooo said GameSpot. They decided my new acount was of suspicious nature and banned me afther a few minutes. Tried 2 more times afther that and the same thing kept happening. I mean, WTF.

That just sucks, I remember that at one point I emailed them a complaint about ther online monitors and how they wanted to suspend your posting rights for every little thing, except if they knew the guy, they wouldnt even do anything about it. And I got an aswer from a Jody Robinson saying that it was their call, and if they wanted to do so, that they were probably right and I was wrong. That pissed me off even more. I did get to watch e3 live on their page with my GAMEOVER acount, but It wasnt the same with out the badge. Its just really sad to see a great (or what used to be great) comunity and website go down the toilet like that. They curently have a flashier presentation for everyting they make, but it just doesnt have that fun-factor it used to have. Thats too bad, good thing other options like gametrailers, kotaku and giantbomb are out there.


Bad video game movies

Lets be honest for a sec and talk about something we all know. Videogame movies suck. I started thinking about this when I heard they were gonna make a SHADOW OF THE COLOSUS movie. Im not saying theyre not entertaining, cause they can be. Im allways entertained by the RE movies. HITMAN was verry action-e, wich is good, and SILENTHILL had some creepy moments that gave it a unique feel 2 it. But when you think about it, there hasnt been a good game movie ever. And it boggles the mind why that is. You can understand why when the material you have to work with as a movie director isnt that good, like MARIO. Making a movie about a turtle stomping man who gets high (and by getting high I mean his stature) using mushrooms cant be that easy.  Could have been the same case with DOOM or HOUSE OF THE DEAD. But when you have great material like SILENTHILL, RESIDENT EVIL, and MAXPAYNE, you cant help but wonder why is it that they endup making a movie so lame that only people who played the game MAY LIKE.

I have a theory to why this happens.
********** I belive it is because the desire of the director and the screenplay writer to leave their mark on their work, it ends up changing the original story. When you play a videogame with a cool story, a story that makes you feel something, you sometimes think, "Man, this would be a great movie", and you want more people to see or hear that story, but alot of people wont because they dont like 2 play videogames. Im gonna use the SILENTHILL card again, but I have to, its a story where a normal guy driving through some creepy lonley road with his daugther, gets into an accident and passes out. The first thing instinct dictates when you wake up is "look at your sourroundings, make sure everything is ok". He notices hes in a creepy deserted town, remembers his daugther was riding with him so he looks to his side hoping shes ok, and WAM!!! Shes gone, the door is open and he has no idea why shes not there or where she went to. Guy goes looking afther her and starts finding creepy-disgusting monsters unlike you've ever seen, he finds a cop who seems to be as lost as he is, and some other characters who also seem to be scared of the monsters but with hidden agendas or secrets of their own.
Pitch that to a movie studio and they'd be like, sounds cool, lets hear more about it. But instead of retelling that cool story they change the main character to a women, who has an adopted daughter with sleep walking problems, a women smart enough to find out her 8 y/o daugther's skizo-like behaviour can only mean the kid wants to go to silent hill bucause it is conected to her sleep walking problem (riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight). Then they endup cuting characters from the original story, adding new ones, they mash in together characters and mosnters from the first and second game and at the end of the mess they wrote, they end up thinking, "IM SURE THE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE WHO LIKED THE GAME CAUSE OF ITS STORY WILL LIKE MY VERSION BETTER".
This was one of those rare cases in wich you didint had to change anything to make it appealing to the masses. Its a good story, people who like it will still lkie it, people who dont, still wont, and people who havent heard the story or played the game may endup liking it alot. CHANGING A GOOD STORY DOESNT HELP.

Same can be said bout ResidentEvil, MAXPAYNE and probably the same thing will happen to the SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS movie that was recently anounced. TRASH IS TRASH AND PUTTING GLITER ON IT WONT CHANGE THAT. If a story is good or bad, adding your style to it wont change the outcome, it remains as a good or bad story. But changing the story it self is simply wrong, its like saying you didint liked Shakespeare's work so you'll change the story so that Romeo makes a cameo appearance on Macbeth.

Movie directors and People who write this movies should stop trying to change it. If people liked the game and its story, its becasue it was already good. Changing it so that people who didint play the game understand whats going on is unecesary.
If you start with a good story (or game in this case) you'll have a good movie (Uwe Boll is the exception to this rule). The first time we played those games we also didint have an idea of what was going on, but as it unfolded you started to know who was good and who was bad. Same principal aplies in a movie.

Well, this is my theory. Maybe if enough people have answers the word will get out that people who actually play videogames found out WHY ARE VIDEOGAME MOVIES SO BAD?

FYI. I do think there are movies that are fun to watch, or bring back nice memories, like the first mortal kombat, but I'm talking about a GOOD movie, not just a "it kinda looks ok" feeling.

The story, the studios, the ability to make awesome special efects, they're all there, The only thing thats misssing is a director, and writer who are willing to "suck up their pride" and not change someone else's story because they like their own version better.

Well thats it for me. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, have fun making your own theories.

Untill next time.