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Dragon Age: Origins Diary Part 2 - Into The Fade

I neglected to write a blog yesterday, but that's probably a good thing because nothing too exciting happened in Ferelden. But I am back to continue logging my adventures. 
Yesterday, I explored Lothering and found it to be pretty boring. The village is full of dirty refugees and bandits. I spoke to a man in a cage that was convincted of murder, and I told him I would speak with his wife to see if I could release him. After running around the town for a solid 20 minutes, I came to the conclusion that his wife was nowhere to be found (you know Bioware, quest markers aren't always a bad thing). I decided to head into the bar and was confronted by some of Loghains men. We all know Loghain, that backstabbing jerk that caused us to loose Ostagar. Rather than converse with his goons, I immediately engaged in battle with them. They surrended after I nearly destroyed them, and I told them to tell Loghain that we're coming for him. I also gained a new party member, some religious nut named Liliana. I equipped her with some heavy armor and a GIANT shield that looks hilarious on her back, and headed off to the Mage's tower to get some help.  

You can't resist those eyes
You can't resist those eyes

Much to my surprise, I saw Greagoir commanding authority. What is up with this guy? Nevertheless, I asked him what was up, and apparently all the mages had gone insane and they trapped them in other parts of the tower. I decided to go in and see what was up, but I was a little nervous about confronting the Abominations, because I didn't know what they were exactly. I went in, and I found Wynne with some other mages and a bunch of children. She asked me to help her, and at first I was agreeing with her. But then....... something happened. What happened? Morrigan opened her mouth. She explained to be how I would basically be wasting my time with these innocent mages, and that I should slay them all. And................. I agreed with her. All this time I tried to be a good character. But now, Morrigan's influence has corrupted me. I struck down the innocent mages and felt soothed by the terrifying screams of the children as I murdered their pathetic mentors. After I finished, I said "What did I just do..." 

It's probably safe to say that Irving and his painful voice didn't make it
It's probably safe to say that Irving and his painful voice didn't make it

I then proceeded through the tower battling Blood Mages and Abominations (who weren't all that terrifying at all). I finally managed to reach the final spot in the tower, but the creepy demon up there put us all to sleep. I woke up in the Fade, not really knowing what was going on. I strolled up the stairs in front of me and found Duncan. I talked to him a bit, and all of a sudden he took up the voice of a demon. Because he was a demon! I struck him down and then found myself in the Raw Fade. The next few hours I spent playing, I didn't really understand what I was doing or what was going on. I was traveling to these different realms and learned how to transform into the mouse, burning man, spirit, and golem. Duders, the Golem is amazing. If I was ever having trouble battling a demon, I would turn myself into the Golem and beat them to death in seconds. Awesome! I think I had the most trouble with the Mage's realm, because I'm not used to people casting spells at me every second. It did a lot of damage, but my Golem made short work of them. Right now, I'm about ready to rescue Morrigan and Liliana, and then I'll head to the Inner Sanctum to battle the Sloth Demon. Before I head in to what could possibly be my death, does anyone have any tips for this guy? 
Until next time.