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My Video of PAX and Giant Bomb

PAX East was a lot of fun. I got to meet some fellow users of the site and recorded my time at the convention. This video contains some Giant Bomb fan interviews and footage of the Giant Bomb crew. There is some footage in here that you may not have seen of @vinny and Rich Gallup. These videos I post are mostly for fun and a little practice. They aren't serious projects mostly due to lack of time to edit them well, but I hope you can still enjoy.

It's nice to hear a little about how the beginnings of Giant Bomb happened from a little more of an inside perspective. I always thought those early videos happened mostly the way they did on purpose. I like how Vinny talks about how sometimes accidents like that first video help dictate the future, for example the way it helped set the tone of the site going forward. Makes me wonder how Giant Bomb might be different had the shooting and editing gone perfectly to plan.