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Completed Persona 4 (true ending), My experience;

So I managed to finaly complete Persona 4 last night and spent somewhere around 110 hours according to my save file.

Let me warn people who might be reading this that there WILL be spoilers to the true ending. Again,


you have been warned

So after completing the game's true ending, I have to start off by saying that Persona 4 is probably the greatest game I have ever played. I think the last time that a game had this kind of impact on me was a certain game by the name of "Shenmue 2".

So what is it that makes this the greatest game I have ever played? As I said previously, I reckon this is largely due to do the story and characters. The moment that I figured out that Adachi was the person reponsible for the murders, I was just amazed. The moment where you get to make the decision as to who commited the murder, a list of names are presented to you and you have a few chances to make the right choice. I went through the list thinking about the chances of each person being the murderer and as soon as I hit Adachi's name, everything clicked. I selected him straight away, on my first try, because everything clicked, it had to be him.

Then to think that all this started at the very start of the game where you met the person working at the petrol station.

So, the story is amazing, what else? The characters. Chie, Yosuke, Kanji, Teddie, Rise, Naoto, Yukiko and of the other characters not involved with jumping into the TV are something else altogether. I found myself connected with each and every character and they are people that I would totally get on with. So the next time I jump into a TV and somehow meet them in the TV world, I'll make sure to let them know that they'r awesome.

To conclude:

Greatest game I have ever played.



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Edited By nima

So I managed to finaly complete Persona 4 last night and spent somewhere around 110 hours according to my save file.

Let me warn people who might be reading this that there WILL be spoilers to the true ending. Again,


you have been warned

So after completing the game's true ending, I have to start off by saying that Persona 4 is probably the greatest game I have ever played. I think the last time that a game had this kind of impact on me was a certain game by the name of "Shenmue 2".

So what is it that makes this the greatest game I have ever played? As I said previously, I reckon this is largely due to do the story and characters. The moment that I figured out that Adachi was the person reponsible for the murders, I was just amazed. The moment where you get to make the decision as to who commited the murder, a list of names are presented to you and you have a few chances to make the right choice. I went through the list thinking about the chances of each person being the murderer and as soon as I hit Adachi's name, everything clicked. I selected him straight away, on my first try, because everything clicked, it had to be him.

Then to think that all this started at the very start of the game where you met the person working at the petrol station.

So, the story is amazing, what else? The characters. Chie, Yosuke, Kanji, Teddie, Rise, Naoto, Yukiko and of the other characters not involved with jumping into the TV are something else altogether. I found myself connected with each and every character and they are people that I would totally get on with. So the next time I jump into a TV and somehow meet them in the TV world, I'll make sure to let them know that they'r awesome.

To conclude:

Greatest game I have ever played.

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Edited By ac3x
@nima: Clearly you have not played Valkyria Chronicles which, as the internet proves, makes grown men cry (spoilers!).

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You are right ac3x that I have not played Valkyria Chronicles. I will look that up on the giantbomb database, I dont play RPG's too often. The last one I played was Persona 3 and before that, Lost Odysee (which I very much disliked).

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Edited By nima

I have just taken a look at Valkyria chronicles and I must say, this does not look like the type of game I will ever enjoy. Not because of its graphics or anything like that, but because of its premise and the way the turn based combat works. I believe I saw a quick look of this a while ago and I remember being very bored whilst watching that.