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Despite the *enhancements, the Star Wars Blu Ray set is awesome.

Not the greatest box art ever, but what's in there is sweet.
Not the greatest box art ever, but what's in there is sweet.

I should say "so far" first of all, as I'm only 7 or 8 hours into watching this thing, and I've only seen a fraction of the content. Although there is a lot of stuff that has been included before, there's a wealth of new content as well. I've watched about 3 hours of new special features, and they are just amazing. Even after owning every single DVD released of every one of these movies, there is new stuff in here that I haven't seen before. Amazing deleted scenes like an entire sub-plot about Wampas terrorizing the Rebel base on Hoth, with a ton of new footage of different crazy Wampa action. I've heard murmers about this stuff before, and I've seen little tiny bits and pieces, but nothing like the extensive scenes shown here.

Sweet new Wompa footage
Sweet new Wompa footage

As far as the movies themselves go, I started with New Hope, and I'm about to watch Jedi now; I'm going to watch the prequels tomorrow. I probably should have started at TPM, but I had purposefully avoided watching 4-6 for the past year or two in perperation for the BD release, so I couldn't wait any longer.

The quality is easily the best I've ever seen, and some of it looks like it's been restored even further then the Special Editions. Some of the blacks could be darker, and while most of the transfer is outstanding, there are parts that seem a little washed out or muted (especially in Ep.IV), and a litttle fuzzy, and then other parts are vibrant and sharp.

The audio is just increadible. My reciever only supports up to 5.1 DTS, but even at that quality, it's stunning, and much better then the DVDs imo. I don't think any other film has ever worked out my speaker set like these films do. You constantly hear seperate ambient sounds coming from each speaker that all blend together into the background noise, it's intense. Especially in busy scenes like battles or the cantina band and such.

The additions since SE are not all that huge, but the clearer this movie becomes, the worse those SE additions look. That scene at Mos Eisley with the CG Jabba and Han looks just awful now. Jabba is so sharp and crisp and that footage beneath his is so muddy and blurry that it looks like a colorform laid on top of vintage film.

Thankfully, the changes are subtle.
Thankfully, the changes are subtle.

I wasn't all that bothered by the change to the Dragon sound that ObiWan makes to scare the Tuscans, but it does sound bizarre to hear an effect like that be so altered. The Storm Troopers on the CG Dewbacks looks pretty bad, unfortunate there is no alternate footage even shown for the original version. At the very least they should make a small docu-thing where you can view each alteration of the original through till today and see each version. I think letting us see the evolution of each effect would be interesting.

Also, something dawned on me while watching IV; these dudes:

Trigger happy lizard riding freaks.
Trigger happy lizard riding freaks.

Are responsible for the downfall of the entire Empire. If they hadn't decided to barbeque the local farmers based strictly on the word of a roving band of droid theives who would do anything to save thier own necks, this whole misunderstanding may have been avoided.

If Owen was still alive to continue busting Luke's chops, he NEVER would have gone with Obi-Wan, and one or both of the droids would have ended up either in Empire hands or Wiped at Anchorhead and reparing moisture vaporators within two days.

It's all those dude's fault. If they had just exercised a little restraint at the farm, they would still be ruling the galaxy.

At any rate, the package is outstanding, and VERY reasonably priced for what you're getting. I paid $90 at Target (comes with a set of "limited edition" lithographs.), but it's only 79.99 on Amazon. Thats all 6 films, andthree full disks of special features, along with multiple commentary tracks on every disk. Everything is in the best quality is has ever been. This is a double-dip I can happily go for.