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It's like a beautiful dream. The greatest RPG ever returns.

I'm stunned. Aparently, while I was sleeping, the universe answered all of my prayers. Well, not all of them, but one...

As I've often mentioned here when we have discussions about it, there are two titles that I always say I'd be willing to kickstart. An (Eric Chahi created) Out of This World sequel, or a proper RPG return to Shadowrun (SNES). Well, it looks like the latter may actually be coming true.

Original series creator, Jordan Weisman has come out with a kickstart project, to return ShadowRun to it's SNES/PC roots with a new turn-based RPG in the universe.

This is the greatest news in the history of the world.


el_tajij added this link to the KS page (and Jordan's video) below, it should really be up here. On top of it being the place to support the game, the video there just begs to be seen. Jordan has some awesome shit to say, and the clip of them pelting the FPS devs for what they've done to the franchise is worth the price of admission.

@el_tajij said:

Watch the video on this and listen to the world Jordan Weisman describes. Holy mother effing jesus I hope this gets made.