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Ryan Taswell Davis, a tribute

Today's news of Ryan Davis' untimely passing come across as a huge shock. It is almost as if I feel I lost a friend, although I never met him. The only interaction I recall was, and it is rather strange how I remember this, was that I sent in a question for one of the NBA Live games while a developer was showing the game off and Ryan selected and read it promptly to be answered. I was appreciative of this gesture and Ryan began to garner my attention as his take on gaming became more a foundation of how I approach and regard my favorite hobby in general. He carried that frank and sensible perspective in reviewing games and while making evident his preferences and personal tastes, tried hard to prevent those from becoming a domineering influence for the sake of objectivity. All of these qualities he used very effectively and only legitimized his persona that cemented his credentials. In a way he was a unique personality who paved his own way to becoming well known and liked, didn't vie for unwarranted attention while being cordially accessible to many.

I recall him from his days of dyed platinum blond, soft spoken editor who did video previews and interviews at Gamespot. He was a cornerstone of the site, one of the founders that had kept up with Jeff while he was running a blog in preparation of what eventually became GiantBomb. Not bashful of the opportunity to promote the site and managing a lot of the most popular contents including Quick Looks, Endurance Runs, TANG, weekly TNTs and most of all podcasts, he was a tireless worker fully in his element in front of camera and brought a lot of good in terms of community participation and content, and instrumental in making the crew cohesive and focused. A lot of what set GiantBomb apart from others would be emulated and admired by the rest of gaming journalism outlets, with video content heavy editorials and personality directed gaming content now becoming more a norm, and Ryan's charismatic personality and work had a lot to do with advancing the medium. His quick, incisive wit, and well heeled and timed responses were second to none and helped to create a synergy of consistency and personalities meshing so well to a professional result.

Now that he is gone, it is as if my history of gaming experience overall has taken a setback, losing that nostalgic lustre; after all, as private and isolated gaming as a whole tend to be like due to the type of games I am most invested in, it is the surrounding network of conversations and interactions with others about the hobby in question that takes it to another level altogether. An experience that is more engrossing and personal, interactivity beyond the confines of game menus and worlds taking it to social relation and participation, courtesy of that sounding board where your initial, formative thoughts about certain aspects become more concrete and eventually emerge as a guideline in a sea of choices and consequences, Ryan served as an important factor in my gaming enjoyment and appreciation. And now he is no longer with us. It is still hard to believe and accept.

His stature on this site was as large as his convivial, physical self, and I have no single shred of doubt in my mind that he enjoyed to the last minute so preciously and regrettably allotted on this earth to the fullest extent. I hope the site to come back even stronger, striving hard to fill the shoes that Ryan occupied, which he would certainly wish upon us and not have it any other way, but GiantBomb will never be the same. It is a true telling sign how loved he was and how missed he will be that so many goodwill condolences and outpourings of sadness upon the news of his passing have seen many partaking in the loss and thereby lifting the weight that I feel by even the tiniest amount. God bless you Ryan, you and your hearty laugh will live in our memories, which you have given so many that it will be the most natural and constant response while we mourn the tragic loss. Once again thank you Ryan, and God keep you and bless you.

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