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My games to play in 2012

2011 was a great year for games, from the ludicrous insanity of Dildo wielding gimps in Saints row the third, to the vast open world exploration games like Skyrim had to offer. With a new year upon is it is time for a new set of fascinating, exciting and imaginative games to play.

This is my list of the games I am most looking forward to.

10. Metal Gear Solid: HD collection

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Now before you all get your handbags in a twist I understand this game is already out in America, however I am a tea drinking Brit from Birmingham, so this game is yet to be released for me.

Back when I was a wee lad Metal gear Solid was released on the Playstation, being too young the grasp the story I just enjoyed sneaking around the level mercing any fools that stood in between me and the objective. Granted I didn't know what the object was I still loved the game. Unique gameplay, characters and scenarios I had a blast. To relive that moment in HD would be amazing.

Then Sons of Liberty came out, not following on from the character we were use to it was somewhat disappointing, but in retrospect it was probably a good decision to put Raiden in, so we didn't get bored of the tank that goes by the name, Snake. Still to young to understand what was going on I had a blast kicking ass and having sword battles. Seeing an invulnerable character called Vamp was pretty creepy, especially the scene which took place in a corridor covered in blood and bodies, so I started to appreciate the characters in the franchise a bit more.

And finally Snake eater, I can't say much about this game because I don't think I actually finished it. Even if I did I probably blocked out the memories as I did not enjoy my time playing it. I was in between the stage of saying "Ok, I can play this game for what it is and appreciate the character development and plot"... "But I have no fucking clue what happened in the last two games". This time I will play it and enjoy it for what it is.

(I have no clue what Peace walker is so I can't comment)

Overall this HD collection looks pretty damn sweet, and I can't wait to play it next year and finally appreciate these games what what they really are.

9. Counter Strike: Global Offensive

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Ninety four hours I have clocked into Counter Strike source, my most played steam game, (With Shogun 2 trailing slightly behind) So it is safe to say I am pretty pumped for the new Counter Strike.

My usual routine for Counter strike is find an empty server running office, then invite a few friends for an intensely funny match, ranging from no scope scouts using hostages as human shields, or my personal favourite of the Deagle, all the grenades and kevlar. The amount of times I hear "God damn it, I'm blind again!" never ceases to amaze me. And who can forget playing a 56 player match, or hind and seek. Trust me, trying to hind as a damn lamppost is hard..

If Counter Strike: Global offensive can build on this while still adding something new and exciting to the table, then count me in.

8. Bioshock Infinite

Stranded, cold, alone, scared and clinging on to life.... Only to see a glimmer of hope. You swim with all your strength to safety through the harsh mistress of the sea and burning pieces of plane once crafted with love by your fellow man. Only to be plunged deep down into a world of forgotten history and sorrow.

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If Bioshock infinite can set a tone as strong as this like the Original Bioshock, then we are in for a real treat (Provided it at least does better than the second instalment) The creators of Bioshock seem to have a skill for this, provided it is used correctly, immersing you in a world forged with history and meaning, yet gritty, corrupt and engaging.

I have my hopes set high for Bioshock infinite, a new fresh setting vastly different from its predecessors. Will it provide a breath of fresh air, or a gamble that wont pay off?

7. Tomb Raider

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BOOOOOOBS...BOOO. Wait what? The new Tomb Raider is a fresh unique game? That doesn't concentrate on the bust of its female character. Well I thought I would never see the day that a Tomb Raider game got a character that had.. well, character.

Back in the days of the Playstation, the first Tomb raider was a great game, unique puzzle solving gameplay with combat scenarios that were interesting and required a little bit of thought. But over the years Tomb Raider lost its flare, ending up throwing out new games that didn't really have much new about them. Granted some games had positive qualities, it is nice to see the name Tomb Raider come back with a twist, and I look forward to seeing how it turns out in the future.

Don't mess this one up, I really want it to be good.

6. Borderlands 2

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I admit, guns are pretty cool. When Borderlands came along and supplied a near endless amount of guns at your disposal, I squeed. So the promise of Borderlands 2 to build on the foundation that the original laid out got me pretty damned exciting. With even more charcters and even more guns this game should be a blast. As long as the developers work on the problems of the old game. That's right, I'm looking at your repetitive quest lines and a crappy ending.

I just hope my friends decide to purchase this game as well, it would be pretty shitty to play it all by myself :(

5. The last of us

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I'm just going to come out and say it, this game looks gad damn incredible, from what little information we have at our disposal.

The developers of the Uncharted series are making a brand new game, based in a ruined city where a man and a girl fight for survival in a grueling, unforgivable environment. These are the people that made Uncharted 2 people! Arguably one of the best games in recent memory, having a fresh brand new slate to work on while having refined their style, Naughty dog have the chance to make something pretty kick ass here. If they nail the atmosphere, combat and that feeling of survival, we could have a game of the year on our hands. I hope I'm not placing too much faith in them here. Did I mention Uncharted?!?!

4. Street Fighter X Tekken

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Many moons ago I was never really a big fan of fighting games, besides the occasional match on Dead or Alive 3 against my brother I never really warmed to the series, that was however until Street Fighter 4 came along. Its absolutely wonderful art style, controlled and refined gameplay that took a day to learn but a life time to master, the expansive character list and glorious stages really brought fighting games back into the mix. So when they announced Street Fighter X Tekken I was very intrigued.

I can confirm to you now ladies and gentlemen that this game is pretty damn kick ass. I'm not just blowing steam out of my ass with this one, I have actually played it at the GAMEFest at the NEC in Birmingham. While the gameplay is a lot more fast paced and dramatic than Street Fighter 4, it retains its charm and style. The character roster is impressive and varied, (I played as Ryu and Yoshimitsu) and it feels like a well crafted combat system.

If this game holds up to the standard of Street Fighter 4 while maintaining something different, fighting fans may be in for a treat.

3. The last Guardian

Part of me says don't put this game on the list, and the other part tells me that this game looks absolutely amazing.

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The reason I say this is because I have yet to properly play Shadow of the Colossus or Ico, I have played a few "levels" of the first and none of the latter, so now you can see why I am hesitant. So why did I put it on my list? Well, the trailer gave me chills, the journey of a boy fighting against a relentless opponent with his creature friend in order to protect their friendship and unmask a hidden secret. Or maybe the boy came with the well equipped guards for a particular reason, and the boy found solace with this mythical being. This mysterious journey will no doubt be played out with a beautiful tone and style that it will be an experience that cannot be missed in the video game industry.

That is not the only reason I really look forward to this game though, I have a friend called Jake. Now this person played Shadow of the Colossus and Ico and cannot praise them enough, he even lent the games to me. Our many hours of discussion of these titles and the artistic merit video games can achieve got me really pumped for this. I may have to record that game.

2. SSX

Sweet holly mother of Ganesh was the SSX franchise amazing. And this one looks ball breakingly good as well.

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Remember that SSX tricky song, ye you know the one.... "It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time It's Tricky" Yea now your getting it.

Now that I have the stage set, picture yourself flying down a mountain slope, pulling of flips and shit like an eagle, to land on a metal pipe and grind for half a mile. How damn good was that! I spent so many hours playing SSX tricky it was untrue, even better when I had a few mates around to share the experience.

Throughout this list I have mentioned a few times how the game will be good if it stays completely original with underlying features of what made the other games good, but for this I don't care if the new SSX turns out the same as SSX tricky. I have no problem speeding down a mountain listening to RUN-DMC while pulling off sick flips while having a laugh with a few friends.

If this is a brand new SSX it will probably be good, and if it is basically Tricky 2 then it will be amazing. Either way, prepare thy selves..

1. Mass Effect 3

Well here it is, my most anticipated game, goes to Mass Effect 3! Provided Bioware don't fuck it up!

Mass effect 1 was a bold new venture for Bioware, a massive RPG that pushed character interaction, story telling and a daring combat system. An ambitious goal, but the reality was it was ok. The combat was mediocre with tedious driving missions thrown in between, the story never really drove me to find out the next piece of the puzzle and the character interaction didn't make me feel like I was making a difference. It did however set the stage for the next act, and what a performance it would give.

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Mass Effect 2 took the gaming community by storm, it improved on the fighting mechanics making them more interesting and dynamic. The world felt like a living breathing community, excluding every shop that was playing "This is commander Shepard, and this is my favourite store on the citadel" character interactions felt meaningful and your decisions had a real impact on the game, especially the ending. I wont say anything in case of spoilers, but damn that was epic.

If Mass Effect 3 can live up to the standard put before it and round off the story (Please don't milk the teat of the Mass Effect franchise Bioware) then we are in for an absolute corker.