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I haven't actually played it myself, but from seeing someone else go through it, Baba is You honestly does seem like the perfect game to me. I can't think of a single blemish it has. It's difficult, but you don't have to play through every level linearly. It has completely consistent rules, which are both simple and used in a very creative way and it never gets dull or monotonous. The style is very distinctive and clear, and the music doesn't get distracting. It also doesn't have any story indie nonsense that Blows distractingly in its way.

I think indies and especially puzzle games have a very large advantage regarding perfection as they need to be accessible to people, are generally not resource intensive and can look and feel great while still having a single "vision" behind them (Baba was only made by one person). I have a very difficult time coming up with any non-indie game I would label as perfect. That being said, like some others said, most all of my favourites have some very clear flaws and I generally prefer it when games take risks that won't all pay out to when they completely rune off every corner.

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Pretty much every Telltale game, but with dialogue options which actually correspond to what your character blurts out.

Whatever else you may think of it, Life is Strange Season 1's time traveling gimmick actually solves this problem beautifully by letting you reverse time to the beginning of each conversation after it's over. I think knowing the players could easily check the other options out also made the developers more self conscious about making the character say really stupid stuff and so reigned it in. I genuinely wish more story based games did that, and Life is Strange Season 2 not having it makes me much less interested in playing the game even if the story is great.

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Ride to Hell: Retribution is the perfect yardstick to measure bad games by.

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I'm from Iceland, and we actually got rid of infections inside the borders completely for a while. We didn't go into strict lockdown like some other countries but gatherings of over 20 people was banned and a lot of services were shut down (gyms, hardressers, cafés and the like). People were also restricted from staying closer than 2 meters from each other. What really made the difference was a strict testing and tracing system with widespread quarantining and daily very informative public health press briefings by our head epidemiologist, director of health and director of civil protection within the police (along with guests).

We have a population of about 340'000 and well over 20'000 had to be quarantined. 1872 people got infected (counting those who got sick while outside the country, about 350) and 10 have died. People here never really wore masks much in public as it was understood that people in the healthcare system were prioritized, and there was also hesitation whether people would use them correctly or change their behaviour from our chief epidemiologist. People were on guard at the beginning and staid home for the most part as the worst was going over, but when cases died down, people got much more relaxed and started traveling more as restrictions were relaxed. Our borders were also open to tourists from the 15th of June, though you had to be tested at the border or go into quarantine. Around 70'000 samples have been taken here, excluding the border (where over 60'000 people have been tested). We had very few cases (never more than 2 a day) from Mid-May and no cases for three weeks from the beginning of July. However, there has been a big spike this last week, with around thirty cases in the last week, including ten yesterday and (reportedly) around ten today. Restrictions were also tightened today and the mood is shifting. People are getting worried again and some stores are running out of masks as they will be mandatory on public transport and some other places where you can't keep your distance. Otherwise I haven't seen anyone wear a mask outside of the airport.

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@quasiconundrum: I can think of one for Return of Obra Dinn. Don't confirm any of your choices so you never know for sure if any of your choices are correct. You need to confirm every single person with the right cause of death at once to get the "ending".

Mine would be Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door. Replace every character with Toad.

Wait a second...

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For me personally, a 10/10 and a personal favorite are very different. A 10/10 has to be very good, and preferably memorable or interesting in some way to edge above the 9/10 fray. A lot of my favorite games however would only get an 8/10 or maybe even a 7/10, but they struck a chord with me for whatever reason.

Spec Ops: the Line is genuinely my favorite game of all time in large part because it really felt like something I needed when I discovered it. I think it doesn't get enough credit for some of its visuals, cinematography and worldbuilding, but let's be real, it is very flawed and I wouldn't recommend it to most people. It's textures were dated even for its time, the gameplay is cookie-cutter and some parts of the story are clunky. Despite all that, it's probably the game I have thought about more than any other. I was obsessed with it for a while, seeking out every snippet related to it.

Paper Mario and the Thousand Year door is also one of my favorites but additionally a much better game, one I would not hesitate to give a 10/10 (though it isn't flawless). It has pretty timeless visuals, a fun and varied world with distinct areas and enemies and great gameplay with a good feeling of progression. Overall, it's an easy recommend for me to most people, even if they haven't played RPG's before. However, it's also a game I sometimes forget exists for years at a time.

If I had to guess, I would think that the vast majority of those who have played those two games justifiably prefer Paper Mario, yet I definitely cherish Spec Ops much more and it has had a much larger impact on me personally. All in all, ratings can be somewhat objective. Preferences can be influenced by the same stuff ratings are judged by, but are ultimately down to the individual.