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@nodima: Completely agree for the mobsters - as I said, they are tropey and as a result, unrealistic characters. I think you're harsh on Giovanni/Astrid given I sadly know a couple who are very much like this and it can be painful to watch.

Anyway, they didn't take away from the emotional journey of the rest of the cast for me, I guess I just kind of ignored them as they could be frustrating to deal with as you said. The writing of characters like Alice and Stanley was so good in comparison, they completely broke me in how much they captured the devastating loss from dementia for those around the person and the pain of a terminally ill child.

A real shame how some parts can ruin a game's feel, I've had it happen to me too and when you see the game's 'gears' the magic can be lost for good. The game definitely needed some tweaking on the resource side.

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@nodima said:
@oueddy said:
@sizzlerxanadu said:

Also trigger warning on Spirit farer, as I think they handle dementia very poorly in one specific quest.

I would be really interested to hear yours or others takes on why that character was badly handled or badly written. I thought it was incredibly touching, maybe my emotions blinded me to something bad.

Edit- actually I think I can see why it could be seen as bad when I replay it in my head, the final 'journey' was non-consensual. The ethics are a bit different to me because the everdoor isn't specifically codified as euthanasia or death, but it is passing on from that world. Thanks for making me think about it!

Honestly, I think the entire back half of the cast is a poorly drawn stereotype and was a hinderance to my finishing the game quickly as much as the awkward progression. For most of the game I was like Vinny, just trying to max everything out and get every trophy, but by the end I was relieved to realize I could end the story before I'd sent off every other character.

I'm starting to regret having the game on my list at all, and after buying 13 Sentinels during the PSN Holiday Sale for 50% off and putting ~10 hours into it I'm pretty sure I'll be swapping them before the deadline hits.

Well there's a vast difference between something that is badly written in terms of being problematic, which I was interested in, and your comparing of the writing to stereotypes. I don't really see where you are coming from, the closet I could think of is that you are complaining about the use of tropes, which seems a little silly as all stories must use some kind of shorthand for brevity of storytelling. Everyone entitled to their opinion, so enjoy your naked mech simulator ;)

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My fans spin like crazy when folding so I tend to do it when I'm not in my office working for sanity reasons! Plus leccy is cheaper overnight 😀

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@tonal said:

Here's a link to check out for yourself if you care, to an interview from late last year with the Red Venture CEO at a part near the very end where he seems to be, I don't know... not super worried I guess you could say?, about what goes down with the future of his company. I find this strange because for the whole interview he is so much about how people matter and how important it is for a company to care.

I find it a little worrisome that his attitude seems so whatever shall be shall be with his company of over 3000 employees... I mean I get it too much stressing isn't going to help, but also wouldn't want to see anyone at GB or any of the CNET people going down with his ship so to say.

He strikes me as a, very tell people what they want to hear to sell them on whatever, type of person... but I'm also honest with myself and I know I'm really jaded when it comes to people who run huge companies. So maybe everything he says in most of the stuff I looked at today is true for the most part. I mean hey he was a survivor of the famous plane crash into the Hudson river in 2009 so maybe he is different from a lot of other bigger CEOs.

One thing I will say that is basically straight from his mouth in the interview... it's more about actions than words.

Wow, that entire interview is worth listening to from the beginning. His whole experience of being on that plane had me utterly transfixed.

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Its very much not worth more than 3/5 because its teething issues and difficulty spikes are severely unpalatable for a game that at first seemed like a pleasant (if horrifying) puzzle platformer. I wouldn't recommend you complete it, its ending is thoroughly unsatisfying and the latter sections of the game have a parade of soulsbourne-difficulty bosses (literally one after the other) that take hours upon hours to defeat on the normal difficulty setting. The game definitely suffers as well from having 'too much plot' being expanded on by: environmental storytelling, the VO, the people you can take over, terminals. It really needed an editor to trim it all.

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Not even entirely sure why I bought or found this game given the lack of coverage, but going through my backlog given the current times I am absolutely loving it. Takes a little while to get into but the humour is spot-on and worth putting up with the odd graphics!

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I suppose I only found out about it due to a serendipitous tweet, but this game is a joy for anyone into rhythm games, EDM or even bullet hell (although its very forgiving on that front). Definitely worth a quick look or UPF due to its co-op/party modes.

Still listening to the soundtrack months later, love it!

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@sethmode said:
@konig_kei said:

You could've left out that little comment about why you didn't want to play gw2 and avoided this whole mess but anyway.

In what universe is the OP at fault for this? His comment was completely innocuous and met with someone going on a diatribe about their opinions that were completely off topic from what the OP asked, to start a fight. Now we're here, where a fine thread was torpedoed because people apparently can't help themselves even when unsolicited.

He's at fault because he posted on a public forum!11 etc etc

I don't even know why I waded this deep into this thread, what was I expecting.

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@sweep said:

@oueddy: ....that's why I unfollowed. That was literally what I wrote in the first paragraph.

The point was there felt like a parallel between the guys constant need to voice his quirky sense of humour (Which I actually quite like) on twitter and the relentless tone of the game. It's similar to watching a tv drama by Aaron Sorkin, out of context each scene is clever, but after a few episodes it becomes slightly exhausting.

Don't get the artist confused with the art, we're all guilty of doing that and sometimes its almost impossible (read - JonTron)

I think the game you are looking for doesn't star the characters of the ages that are in this one. Have you ever watched a piece of media starring teen characters that aren't edgy or pretentious cynical shitbags?

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@sweep said:

@yummytreesap: it wasn't what he was tweeting, just that there was so much of it. It was completely dominating my feed. No personal issues with the dude.

You can't complain about someone tweeting too much when you choose to follow everyone on it!