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Good Luck Have Batman

So I got a seven hour trial of Starcraft 2, played the first 3 campaign missions, then decided to jump into the practice league before the trial runs out. Dude picks Zerg, I picked Terran, was looking at a build order online as I went along because I had no idea what to do. It was pretty even, he'd send in some Zerg shit, I'd win, go to his base, get raped by these flying things, and that repeated itself about 3 times. Then 30-35 minutes into the match I figured out to build a factory, made like 6 thors, along with a shitload of marines and marauders. Went in, raped, he didn't quit so had to destroy every building which was pretty awesome. From a skill perspective it was probably the worst match of SC2 ever played, didn't think you could get worse than me but apparently I was wrong. I feel like I've got the basics down though, build order, sticking a barracks and supply things on the ramp. If you're reading this you're probably thinking what the fuck but I'm pretty pleased with winning my first match, and I enjoyed all 46 minutes of it. Now I'll have to go and buy the full game...