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Project Origin demo has the best mech boot-up ever.

Solid demo. Didn't get me as insanely pumped and excited as the original F.E.A.R. demo did, but that was a time when F.E.A.R. was a technical beast, especially its particle effects. 

Cool things: Anyway, it's worth the download. Firefights felt like a tighter, more polished version of the original. AI still seems smart. They kick over tables and open car doors for cover now. I was a little creeped at some parts, but most of the scares were BOO LOL and none of them really got to me. Graphics look good. Imagine F.E.A.R. (I like typing it out like that. I think I am a masochist.) with way better textures, softer lighting and shadows and great implementation of motion blur. AND AWESOME MECH BOOT-UP INTERFACE. Seriously, get the demo just to see the whole thing go WHIRRR and BEEP, with the vox lady voice going all, "SUP, YOU TURN ME ON." 

Tee hee.

Square things: It's so obvious that Monolith used consoles as their base. There is no 16:10 support and YOU GOT AMMO or YOU GOT A GUN pop-ups are blotted smack dab on the center of your screen with Oblivion-sized font. Then again, I found those to be pretty trivial things, but I suppose some people won't be too pleased.

I chose to upload the most boring-looking images out of the many I took, because the cooler stuff is worth seeing in person. And because the other images I took were much more boring-looking.

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No Caption Provided -- Here's a little video. Sorry for the darkness. It's bright and stuff when exploding stuff happens, but not so much when things are not exploding.