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2014 Games of The Year

When I sat down to compile this I thought I would struggle, there weren't loads of big tentpole releases in 2014. This was the year that first person shooters the failed to inspire me at all, Destiny and Titanfall just felt like more of the same and something I am not interested in. In the summer I was going through my collection I looked at my aging 360 and realized there was nothing I wanted to go back to. I had never gotten around to playing Yakuza, Ico, MGS4 to name a few on my PS3 but the 360 had nothing left to offer. So, for the first time in a generation I traded, it was purely a price decision but I was now the owner of a Wii U. Christmas this year was spent playing Mario Chase and MarioKart; laughing out loud with my parents and my brothers children, none of which are serious gamers. Wii U may be considered a failure by some but Nintendo still hold the best parties.

In 2015 the games I am most excited to play are Splatoon and Zelda (unless no mans sky arrives). I am sure MGS5 and Uncharted 4 will convince me to finally get a PS4 at some point but Microsoft, right now you have nothing for me. I

As with last year I am sticking to the no early access or unfinished episodic games rule. Which immediately takes out 2 of my top 5;

Kentucky route Zero is still stunning, I can't wait for it to finish so I can give it a position it deserves and the additional releases have been interesting experiments, enriching the world.

For me, the game of 2014 was Day Z. In the spring I could play for hour upon hour just to exploring this world, finding a pristine scope or backpack, interacting with players friendly or not. I even spent hours watching YouTube and twitch, something I have not done with any other game before. I was enjoying the culture of playing day z as part of a community. I even considered joining a guild of sorts. But then and almost without warning it got dull. Not just for me,other players and YouTubers also moved on. The long walk from Cherno to Berizino just became an inevitable death march, patches added more items but the new mechanics were too slight or just not interesting. While zombies aren't a threat and truly game breaking bugs have gone from cute to irritating. I want dayZ in my life but it's going to have to win me back if my /played is going to get anywhere 200 hours!

List items

  • Like everyone else this came as a complete surprise. It looked like a generic movie tie in, taking parts of Assassin's creed and Batman and putting a Lord of the rings skin on. The nemesis system is a game changer, you care about killing oriki, and there is the illusion of personality with each one. I was compelled to do the side missions and chase achievements. There is so much more that can be done with these mechanics and I cant wait to pick up the DLC and see what the sequel (and inevitable clones) bring.

    Oh yea and I did THIS:

  • It's HD mario Kart, with 3 rainbow roads and a decent online. Enough said.

  • I never got on with Bayonetta on PS3 but there is something about Bayonetta 2 that just clicks. I loved the spectacle of Asuras wrath, this feels more epic than that and with gameplay.

  • Laugh out loud funny and original. Every pixel has a style and charm.

  • Shooters are fairly absent from my list in 2014. Wolfenstein, somehow manages to tell an interesting story and be fun to play, from a game where the main character is called B.J. Blazkowicz and the franchise is nearly as old as me.

  • I have never played smash brothers before. Just like mariokart there is something fantastic about nintendo in HD. The Amiibo support is a great idea, giving new players like me a scalable challenge, turning a multiplayer game into a worthey single player experience. I built a house on Luigi as a final smash and thats better than any MK fatality.

  • This could be higher on my list but it is actually released in Europe on Jan 2nd I was able to play it at shows and due to early delivery finished Chapter 1. The main game is excellent but I cant wait to play the bonus challenges. Just like 3d land it appears to offer a lot more than you would first expect.

  • A stunningly beautiful game with an interesting spin on RPG mechanics. For a small team they have made two of the best games of the generation.

  • I played Joust a few years ago and had such a great, drunken time and so I backed this on Kickstarter. As part of the package was have been exposed to some fantastic local multiplayer sessions, not just the ones in the final release. A fantastic, timeless classic.

  • Not as much of a emotional rollercoaster as the walking dead but still a fantastic game.