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Quick Review of Torchlight.

So Torchlight made it to my "to play now" list, with so many games coming out that is about how far behind I am on releases. 
Diablo clone would be an understatement. This is practically Diablo re-skinned. Seriously. With a few minor adjustments, granted.  I tried the caster character first - probably not a good idea, because the the ranged fighting is extremely frustrating. The camera follows your movement to the STEP, which is an issue I had with Diablo. Be absolutely sure you click on the mob you are targeting, otherwise you are going to be running past it. And there is no targeting reticle of any kind, besides a faint red highlight on the mob your mouse is on, and with all the damage spam crowding the screen for the dps junkies, it isn't that helpful and makes it even less visible.  In addition to the furstrating targeting, the line of sight mechanics for ranged spells are even more maddening. The path of your projectiles can literally be obstructed by a tiny rise in a suspension bridge. Also, your character could be standing at the edge of a bridge facing a flat room, and with your mouse targeting directly strait ahead, your ranged spells will hit the sides of the bridge.  I really should fraps a video of it, because it is quite hilarious.  
The music is outstanding! Eerie, haunting, beautiful and epic. The ambiance and lighting of the environments was extremely well done. I am growing tired of the cartoon texturing, but I was still impressed nonetheless. 
For 19 bucks, I would probably just say to go grab diablo II and play it through again. 
Thanks for reading! 