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is it just me or does the video for this ql look really bad? watched it on youtube and it was awful so I checked out a bit on the site and it looks a bit better but still not good.

Ya i was wondering about that myself. I think it might have something to do with high quality graphics and how busy things are on the screen. Leads to a lot of compression artifacts. But i'm no video producer so maybe not. I've heard some things about GB bumping up to 1080p soon. Its been a long time coming since they do a lot of tricaster stuff and those are fucking expensive. Hopefully that'll help.

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Edited By Qrowdyy

Twilight Prince is to Ocarina of Time what Farcry 4 is to Farcry 3. Ocarina and FC3 were innovative original games and TP and FC4 are just iterative improvements to the original formula. I've heard nothing but love for Farcry 4 from most of Giant Bomb despite it being very derivative, and despite it coming only two years after Farcry 3. Despite those faults I liked FC4 because the underlying gameplay was so fun.

The eight year gap between TP and OOT with Windwaker and Majora coming out in between, really wet my appetite for a more traditional Zelda in the vein of Ocarina and Link to the Past. I loved every fucking minute I played of that game and its one of my top 3 zelda games of all time.

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Edited By Qrowdyy

@kingpk: I actually had the opposite experience. I couldn't bring myself to get deep into Witcher 3 when MGSV was on the horizon. But now that I've put a 120 hours into phantom pain and know that game backwards and forwards I'm primed for something other than stealth/shooter gameplay and modern settings.

Also the Witcher 3 has so much lore and story going on that it was intimidating at first,but after Phantom Pain's relatively light plot I find myself appreciating Witcher 3's focus on narrative a lot more. Just finished the Bloody Baron storyline a few days ago, and damn, that ending was a punch to the gut, but also that whole questline is soooo good.

Big patch is not an issue for me with my internet situation, it seems to fix a lot of shit. But I can see how that might be a legit dealbreaker.

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Edited By Qrowdyy

So I was expecting a more traditional quick look where one dude has played a fair bit of the game and is showing off the game to the other guy. Personally I'm unsure whether to put more time into metal gear and was looking for some info on whether this is any good once you get into it. I didn't really get that here since they still hadn't really figured everything out by the time they stopped. What are the other classes like?(Jeff was right, enforcer looks like the most boring) Do they change the gameplay significantly? How interesting are the unlocks? What mechanics(stealth/interogation for example) make this different from a game where you just straight up shoot dudes. I feel like Jeff and Dan both going into this quick look without having played a little first (specifically because phantom pain is a very mechanics heavy game)was maybe not the right call.