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Another reason not to leave things plugged in...

This is something that matters more depending on location... I live in Florida, we have thunderstorms.  Nasty ones.  I love them!  Electronics do not....

Even though I make it a point to unplug appliances before sleep (so they don't waste power - but here's also why), between by bf & I staying up late one night the main device area was left plugged in... I awoke to the horrible explosion of extremely close lightning.  I asked if everything had been unplugged.  No.        ; o ;

All told we lost...
-modded xbox 1
-xbox 360 arcade [jasper motherboard]
-my roomate's xbox 360 elite
-first gen 60 gig ps3 HDMI out
-65in 1080p dlp tv HDMI in
-asus motherboard powering the home theatre pc
-3 routers
-dimming light switches

All my equipment in my home-office was safe cuz I unplugged them myself!

At first we thought the PS3 was dead [which made me cry... i'm such a baby!!] but it gave out sound - we bought component cables to see if maybe just the HDMI out was broken.  LUCKILY this was the case so it wasn't SO BAD..... thank god now I can finish my Little Big Planet level instead of just thinking about it!  it's only 1080i now tho, no longer 1080p.  it's not terribly noticeable.... & trust me i'll get over it!

But seriously people save yourself the hassle & money - unplug shit if you live in a storm-prone area!