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(contest) FEZ Haiku

Thought I should tell you all about a contest I'm running......

Did you ♥ Polytron's Fez? Did it make you crazy? Tell us about it in a haiku & win all three fez albums by Disasterpeace!

Haiku are simple. Fez is simple. Right? WRONG. Fez is MUCH more than pixels, chip music & platforming... it's a mind-bending, frustratingly cryptic, riddle-laden adventure into the depths of Phil Fish's psychosis. Can you deduce your experience to three lines? Do it & I'll send you stuff!


FIRST PLACE All 3 digital albums: the original soundtrack & the remix albums: Side F, Side Z by the amazing chipmaster Disasterpeace & other various artists.

SECOND PLACE One of the three albums, by choice of the winner.

THIRD PLACE Original print of pixel fan-art by ME of Gomez!

Each winner will receive a swag-bag of Glitchcraft decals, pins & some other stuff that I come up with. Depending on when that all gets designed/printed they will be delivered as soon as possible.


It's a haiku. Just think back to that part of English class you slept through. If you can't, it's 5, 7, 5. It has to be about some thing(s) from the game like Gomez, the world, the hypercube, the lore, the game mechanics, the puzzles.... BUT NO SPOILERS!!! Any entries that are answers to puzzles or other giveaways will be politely declined for a re-write.

You can submit as many as you want! But you can only win once!

THIS CONTEST WILL BE RUNNING INDEFINITELY until I think it has enough entries. The judges will be a combination of your peers, the Glitchcraft girls & hopefully I can coax Phil himself to cast a vote.


You can submit your haiku as a comment here, on the blog or on the Glitchcraft Facebook Page! I'll round up entries into a future blog post once there are a few.

Glitchcraft. A website about video games, by girls. Deal with it.

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