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Xbox 360 Collection

In 2011 my PS3's optical laser burned out for a second time. Fed up, I replaced it again and sold the system while it was still valuable. While waiting for a good Black Friday deal, I picked up a 360 bundle to dig into. Unlike my ridiculously OCD trophy hunting and single player-centric tastes on PS3, I determined from the outset that my 360 collection would focus primarily on multiplayer games with little regard for achievement hunting, since the system was far more ideal for it. It also wouldn't hurt to pick up a few exclusives along the way. I've since put my PS3 repurchase on indefinite hold as a result of so much fun being had on 360.

List items

  • Technically the first game of my budding 360 collection, seeing as it was bundled with the MW3 Special Edition 320GB version I bought. Not much to say about it that hasn't already been said about COD4 and MW2: Same engine, same mechanics, and a breezy single player that I completed in full on Veteran difficulty in 8 hours flat. Still better than getting the Gears 3 edition though.

  • The very first game I bought for 360, going for the digital download Games On Demand version. I have over 5,000 races combined in this game between PS3 and PC, making this purchase a no-brainer. Blur's multiplayer is my lifeblood, the one game I can claim to be one of the best at. The only way to truly grow and refine as a player was to join the most talented community of the three major platforms.

  • I went and bought the 2011 Game of the Year on the crappiest possible platform because my girlfriend played it on 360, loved it and wanted a co-op partner. Who am I to say no? Simply some of the best writing, story and voice acting of any video game. Ever.

  • An impulse purchase on Black Friday for 40 bucks. It looks fantastic thanks in no small part to being the second game (following Battlefield 3) to use the famed Frostbite 2 engine. Unfortunately, that means for every 3 minutes of beautiful environments while driving, it means over a minute of loading time. That gets old QUICK.

  • This was on my list for 360 long before I ever knew when I would actually be getting one. I even pined around waiting for a Forza 4 bundle before realizing it'd be quite a while before it appeared. The bonus: A longtime buddy had a Microsoft Driving Wheel sitting in the original packaging with about 3 hours total played on it, since his 360 RROD'd the week he got the wheel and he bought a PS3 to replace it. Yes, I was given a driving wheel for free. Forza will now be played often.

  • I've already put over 200 hours into this on PS3 and PC. I really didn't need to buy it for 360 too. But the lady needed the DLC content, and the dirty secret of Fallout 3 is that 360 is actually the most stable and optimal way to play it. Having gone through numerous glitches and issues with the PS3 version and then experiencing the horrific crash-happy PC version, it's worth at least one more trip through the wasteland in style.

  • Another impulse purchase ($9.99 brand new!) in part to play with the lady, and to get a code in order to import them into future potential Rock Band purchases. No, it wasn't a fad. Yes, it's still cool. Why? Because I say so, that's why. Now shut up and take the mic, we need someone to sing.

  • No lie -- I was cranky for an entire month after getting my 360 that Games On Demand had NO Rock Band games at all... if anything, exactly the kind of game that SHOULD have a digital-only alternative (given how often people play it, and the large amount of DLC items). Not two days after I reiterated this complaint to @doomofsteel, RB3 popped up in the Games On Demand channel for $20. How can you beat that? I've since spent $25 importing RB1, RB2 and LRB tracks, and another $60 on DLC tracks. Obsessive much? Yup. Worth every penny? You betcha.

  • Gifted by @doomofsteel, who described it as thus: "It would take someone like you to appreciate a game like this." Color me intrigued as hell, especially since prior to the day I received it, I'd never heard of it.

  • Christmas present from the little sister. GREAT stuff. Many people haven't been digging the first-person view of Generations, I enjoy it just enough to get a kick out of the game. Even in the 2D classic levels, the gameplay has been refined and updated (such as being able to auto-target enemies) to a point that I appreciate the modern reinvention.

  • The girlfriend went into GameStop for a B2G1 sale, and came out with this as her free one for me. I'm terrified of the achievement list (notably the drum-related ones), but I had enough fun going through story mode that I liveblogged it to my brother, a Beatles nut. Despite him never picking up a Rock Band controller, he was impressed enough by what they'd done that he wanted to try it for himself. Nice little piece of history here.