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I'm still here, but wow even more has changed since.

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The Zero Gravity Review

So, for the first time in my amateur career, I've decided to write a review of a game, which was for Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. I am sorry that it was over 2000 words, but I felt like I had to explain everything.

The game was really banged and bashed, so I felt as if I need to clear its name. And I felt that I did a good job. Please read my review and comment on it. 

The next review I am doing is probably bout one of the following games. I haven't decided yet.

Megaman Zero of the GBA
KOF EX2 Howling Blood of the GBA

I hope I can continue to contribute to Giant Bomb and have a second life here. It feels great to do what I love to do in such an open space. I am very looking forward to the future here.
