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Solid/Glad0s 08!

Snake and Glad0s would be an incredible pair. You have the experience and skill, and the genius. You have the humor, and the serious. The ultimate duo.


Top 10 Friday-Best Downloadable Games

The console war this generation isn't just about retail games anymore, it's still being fought on a more convenient front; downloadable games. With Microsoft's recent summer of Arcade and Sony's seemingly never-ending lineup of solid (to say the least) downloadable games, you're not just buying a console for the Triple A titles anymore. Without further ado, here are to top 10 downloadable console games (VC doesn't count...)

Number 10

Doesn't like, a whale pop out of this ice?
Doesn't like, a whale pop out of this ice?

Assault Heroes 2 is a great retrospective on a lot of arcade games. It has shooting that feels great and it revamps the problems of it's predecessor, and, the Roll Mechanic rules.

Number 9

Dang, those guys are dead.
Dang, those guys are dead.

Pixeljunk Monsters is one of those special games. It's so unique and just incredibly fun you could play the game for hours without noticing. Factor in the co-op play, you have a great downloadable game.

Number 8
Arcade Bliss
Arcade Bliss

Bionic Commando Rearmed is a great game. It revamps an old classic with great graphics and an awesome soundtrack. The grapple mechanic still feels incredibly well done and the controls are as tight as ever.

Number 7

Eat your heart out Mrs. Pacman
Eat your heart out Mrs. Pacman

Pacman Championship Edition does revamps probably the most derserving game of a revamp. Having played the original pacman several times, I could never get into it, it was just too slow and boring. Championship Edition not only refines the graphics and sound, but also gives the game a much needed gameplay twist.

Number 6
Whoever thought exploding colorful shapes was a good idea is a genius.
Whoever thought exploding colorful shapes was a good idea is a genius.

Geometry Wars Retro Evolved (1 or 2, doesn't matter) is an incredibly visually pleasing game with some very addictive gameplay. It's been a long time since I played a game to better my high score, but this game just continues to challenge you throughout. You could get the original Geometry Wars for 5 bucks, or for an extra 5 bucks you could get Geometry Wars 2 with it's multiplayer and different game modes.

Number 5
Essentially Asteroids......IN HD!
Essentially Asteroids......IN HD!

Super Stardust HD is pretty much a re-make of the classic Asteroids for the Atari 2600, except it's been modernized. You have bright graphics, great controls and hidden depth which is what really makes a great game.

Number 4
Slash-em-ups have never been so epic.
Slash-em-ups have never been so epic.

Castle Crashers is an awesome game. It has great co-op, a great sense of humour and style and some classic gameplay with an RPG twist. Castle Crashers is the modern-day Teenage Mutant Turtles arcade game which alone is a great reason to buy it.

Number 3
Speak of the devil....
Speak of the devil....

Alien Hominid HD is a fantastic game for the same reasons that castle crashers is. It has an awesome style and brings back a classic type of game you thought was gone. Alien Homind HD is Contra but with the art of Dan Paladin, there's nothing you can go wrong with there.

Number 2

Shoot those fools with ROCK!
Shoot those fools with ROCK!

Everyday Shooter is a game that you don't see very often. It has a great visual style that is utterly unique. It has puzzle-like elements. It has tight control that just feels right. It has some incredibly awesome guitar rifts. It was done by one guy. Jonathan Mak should be proud of this awesomely deep and compelling game.

Number 1
The game that messes with your mind.
The game that messes with your mind.

Braid is the most original game I have ever seen. It takes a genius to create something as masterful as this. A philosophical story, charming graphics, sweeping music and gameplay that seriously messes with your mind, Braid is pure genius. The pure genius of Jonathan Blow.


Microsoft has a messed up way of looking at the market.

So, I got back from my incredibly boring trip to a deserted island yesterday and I found that my Microsoft gift card came. I put in the code and it's working fine. I'm bummed out that I can't get Xbox Live Originals or T.V. shows because of my location. Anyways, I downloaded Castle Crashers and I beat it this morning, I've been trying to get in online matches but the thing is just way too buggy. I'll probably play through the game as the Hominid soon though. I also DL'd Braid and I'm pretty far into that although I only have about half the puzzle pieces. I'm thinking I'll spend the rest of my 1600 points on Rock Band songs.

Anyways, I noticed something when I looked at the case for my Microsoft Points card, something so idiotic Microsoft should employ someone who can actually make a choice. Here is what it says: "Go Shopping. Great classic and casual arcade games. Hottest HD movies and TV shows. Exclusive game content."

What really bugs me about that is how it says 'casual'. I highly doubt that a casual gamer knows what casual gaming is. They also say 'classic' arcade games. They really brag about the wrong things here. They brag about their bad ports of old games and their 'casual' games which are horrible. It just makes me mad Microsoft doesn't know it's strengths. Microsoft is good at old-school innovative games. Games like Castle Crashers that take an old formula but add in some RPG elements to make it a great game. Or their really well done Hollywood movie like games that are just non-stop fun action like Gears of War and Halo 3. They seem to be kicking that audience in the face and replacing it with stuff that shouldn't exist.



I think that if it's anything it'll be an expansion or, it could just be a map pack for all we know. It might be Halo 3 with magic, that'd be awesome, I vote for a Force Unleashed-esque grip move.


Tales of Awesome

So, I just got Tales of Vesperia and I'm digging it. The story is good and the combat system is deep but breezy. The visuals are fantastic too. I have to go on a trip from Monday-Wednesday so when I get back my Marketplace gift card should be here so then I'll be able to CRASH SOME FRICKIN' CASTLES! Yeah....

Anyways, I noticed that in Tales of Vesperia the combat system is great and all but it isn't much of an evolution from the previous games (It's still a great game) but the thing is that this game would be perfect for Co-op. Online or off it'd be awesome and it'd take the series truly next-gen. I also downloaded this month's episode of Qore. I know, I'm a sucker but it came with a cool LBP theme and it taught me some stuff about the new Prince of Persia. It looks really, really interesting so I'll probably buy it some time. 

Oh yeah, has anyone heard about this Web-show called Unforgotten Realms? It's a great flash web-show that's featured on the ecapist. It's really hilarious and I highly reccomend it. Go to if you wanna watch it.

PS: From now on, Top-10 Fridays will be every other week.


So, a few days ago I got a reply to my e-mail about my Credit card troubles. They told me to call them, thankfully it worked this time. They pretty much told me it just can't work, and I'm not quite sure why. They did say that I could get an MSoft points card and cash it in if I wanted. So, I ordered a 4,000 point card over to my Brother who lives in the states (shipping was a ton though....)from Gamestop who later e-mailed me: "Since you are shipping this to an address different to your billing address, you must call your credit card company and tell them some stuff." and I just said "Nope" and tried to cancel my order. For some reason I couldn't.....heh.....I tried to log back into my account a little later too didn't accept my regristration information. Thanks gamestop.....thanks. Is it just me or does everyone hate me? Oh wait, doesn't!

They ship anywhere in the world for REALLY cheap. For everything they have it's 5 bucks extra, but that's fine, shipping to Singapore is free and shipping from Gamestop to anywhere in the states is 6 bucks so, it's pretty even. I also ordered Tales of Vesperia after I got intrigued by the game. Anyways, I'm playing Alien Hominid quite a bit now, that's a fun game. I finally beat the Fourth level (I suck, but, it's a hard game.) and my copy of Tales of Vesperia should get here tomorrow. Both my Points card AND Tales of Vesperia have shipped so it shouldn't be much longer until I'm playing some Castle Crashers.


Top 10 Friday-Most Anticipated Games for the next 365 days

Although, it technically isn't Friday, it's never too late to have a top 10.
This week's top 10 is the most anticipated games for the next year, anyways, here ya go!

Number 10:

It's like GTA 4 on steroids.
It's like GTA 4 on steroids.

Prototype is an open world game but, the special thing about this game is that it's pretty much a mix of all the recent gaming innovations we've seen. The killer graphics is obvious, but the recent focus on Free Running in some games definitely is in this game (Jumping from building to building while fighting evil dudes with mutant powers is ALWAYS awesome), plus there's the ability to fully pick your fights and side quests you want to do. This seems like a game with a bunch of promise.

Number 9:

Hint: It ain't WoW
Hint: It ain't WoW

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is a game that I don't know much about. All I know is that it seems to not have the recent "L33T" and gear obsession of WoW and instead of trying to get you to get all purple it tries to get you to have fun. Since it's out in a week or two, we'll see if it can overthrow WoW, and if not, I'm pretty sure it'll have me opening my wallet for this game.

Number 8:

Anyone else just notice that 'Vote Pope' sign?
Anyone else just notice that 'Vote Pope' sign?

Mirror's Edge is a free running game, which is awesome. Although the combat system might seem a little iffy and I'm not sure if this is the type of the game where anyone would actually care about the story it looks spectacular and just watching the game I get a little vertigo.

Number 7:

Let's have a cheer for diversity!
Let's have a cheer for diversity!

Fable 2 is really what a roleplaying game should be defined as. You play the role of your character and then you play that role in any way you want. Buy a city, get married, cheat in Fable 2 Pub Games in order to buy a city, and really do whatever you want.

Number 6:

The Plastic Drums of the Future
The Plastic Drums of the Future

Rock Band started the band revolution and Rock Band 2 is the perfection. With potential for about 330 songs and counting and just everything you wanted out of Rock Band 1 is in Rock Band 2, but a billion times better.

Number 5:

I just hope he uses Listerine.
I just hope he uses Listerine.

The sequel to (arguably) the best launch PS3 game, Resistance 2 just looks incredible. The fights with gigantic monsters and the strange feeling you get when seeing Chicago filled with evil aliens just makes this game even more enticing

Number 4:

I'm guessing that's alien blood.
I'm guessing that's alien blood.

Gears of War 2 is another leap forward in the genre. Gears of War 1 was revolutionary with it's cover system, Gears of War 2 will just make everything better and add more SHAZAM. And at the end of the day, no one does cover better than Epic Games.

Number 3:

Glory to HD.
Glory to HD.

Killzone 2 is a pretty game. It also promises a lot and even though the first Killzone wasn't that great, I'm pretty sure that everyone is heavily intruiged by this game. It might be the next Lair but, that's partially why we love hearing about this key exclusive for Sony.

Number 2:

Don't mess with this guy.
Don't mess with this guy.

When I first saw the teaser trailer for Fallout 3 I couldn't believe my eyes. When I then heard that all of it was in game, I nearly fainted. The free roaming awesome-ness of Oblivion combined with an incredibly deep location and tons of customization. The more I see this game the more I want it, it's like everything they show just gets better and better.

Number 1:

One Word: Freedom
One Word: Freedom

Little Big Planet is the number one on this list because unlike most other open-ended games on this list you can change EVERYTHING and share it EVERYWHERE. With the awesome physics, the killer graphics an the incredible potential this is the game I would do anything to get and, it should be for you too.


Darn you Xbox Live!!!!!!

So, for the last few days I have been wanting to play Castle Crasher A LOT. It's the perfect game for me, I downloaded the demo and really, I love the game a ton. Online play, RPG elements, an awesome art style....what more do you need? The problem is Microsoft hates me. No, I didn't get red ringed (Thankfully) but it has really been a pain. Now, you may or may not know that I have recently moved from Switzerland to Singapore. Stupid old me stupidly put in my Swiss credit card information so now, after having a few months of accessing the German store (At least the games I downloaded were in English) now, my credit card info has expired. I tried to change my credit card info but Xbox Live doesn't allow you to change the countries of your credit card. I tried to cancel my account but they just transfered me to another line that doesn't work on internet phones because it charges 5 FRIGGIN BUCKS A MINUTE? So, then I thought "I could just make a new Xbox Live account and use that one to buy stuff for a while. Then when I tried to enter my credit card info for some stupid, stupid reason, it didn't accept my credit card info.

I must've tried 40 different ways of putting everything together, checked my numbers and address but everything was fine. So then I decided to just make the account and put in credit card info later because....then it might work. Still, no avail. So obviously you can see how mad I am. I tried contacting Xbox Live by e-mail about 5 hours ago so hopefuly they can give me some answers. I'm gonna try tomorrow to call Xbox Live again and cancel my previous account and see if that works.

Still thinking about the top-10 for this week. There wasn't one last week because I was in Vietnam that place is just crazy. I had some tasty noodles and got to go through some tunnels that the vietnamese stayed in to not die from bombs.


All I know is that I really, really want it.

A lot of games have glitches....sadly, however when people said Mass Effect was really glitchy I didn't see any glitches or game crashes throughout my countless hours playing the game. I doubt the character deletion stuff will effect me much. Only problem is my Xbox Live isn't really working....


Top 10 Friday

Sorry I haven't posted a blog post for a while, but, I've been a little busy playing Uncharted and I've also just been lazy. Oh, and school started too....
Anyways, time to introduce one of my main segments, the top 10 Friday. Every week on Friday I'm gonna make a top 10 countdown, I'm not quite sure why but, anyways, without further ado:

Top 10 things the PS3 and Xbox 360 have Over Eachother!
As a PS3 and 360 owner I've usually had to give so much advice when someone asks "PS3, or 360?" so I'm just gonna sum it all up in this countdown.

Top 5 PS3!

Number 5-Better Controller: All of us 360 owners know that the D-Pad is a pain to use and that the battery pack is a little awkward. Oh yeah, and has anyone ever gotten one of their triggers to squeak when you use it? Ugh......The PS3 controller on the other hand is light, has great rumble, six-axis and it's....RECHARGEABLE! Dude, that's awesome.

Number 4
-XMB: Although the 360's blade system is cool, it's way too cluttered and annoying. Although the new update for the 360 might change that, the XMB is just a lot easier to use and more fun. Plus, in-game XMB works like a dream.

Number 3-That Playstation feel: There are some things Sony does that no one else can. They can have serious, awesome games but still at the same time have not-so-serious games with incredibly unique concepts. They have their shooters like Warhawk and Resistance but then they also have games like Everyday Shooter and the PixelJunk games that you can't find anywhere else. It's a great balance between mainstream and indie that just feels nice.

Number 2-More Bang for Your Buck: A PS3 costs $400 now, or if you wanted you could get one for $500 that comes with MGS4, an extra 40 gigs and backwards compatibility. Those are some pretty sweet deals. Why? Because look at what's in this PS3. Wi-Fi, free internet accounts and Blu-Ray and 20 more gigs of storage space. The $50 difference between the 360 and the PS3 is miniscule because you just pay that off for Xbox Live and if you don't have a TV next to your internet supply then you're outta luck for online unless you drop another $100 for a Wi-Fi adaptor. Does that suck or what? And after you go through all this 360 trouble, connecting to the online is horrible too. And, on the Playstation store you don't buy points, you pay the exact amount you have to pay which is also, very annoying on the 360's part. Oh, and Msoft is also so heartless they don't make their themes free, isn't that maddening?

Number 1-The Metal Gear Factor: It's no secret that I'm a fan of MGS4 and it is the best exclusive that the PS3 has to offer. But, the thing is that I don't think it could be done on the 360. The game is big. I'd say that it's 20 gigs at least, which is 4 360 discs. But, not only that I just don't think that the 360 has the graphical power to make the game have the same graphical power. I really don't. So, if after one and a half years on sale, we're getting PS3 games that couldn't be done on the 360, what'll we see in a few years time?

Top 5 360!

Number 5-Headset Pack-In: For the PS3, you'll have to drop quite a bit of money to get a headset. Although the PS3 headsets are probably better, are they packed-in? NO and for someone who doesn't care much for talking to people online, I'm not gonna buy one any time soon. I'll use the free one with the 360 though. Because it's free.

Number 4
-Bigger online base: For some games on the PS3, it's hard to find a match-up. But, on the 360 side you have millions and millions of people playing online every day. You'll never get into a game with no one playing....especially if that game is named Halo.

Number 3
-Achievements: Although I like the PS3 trophies more than the 360 achievements as a system, Microsoft already established the achievement lines and have made a very established system that's just fun and addictive and in every single 360 game....besides Final Fantasy XI.

Number 2-Early Updates: Pretty much 90% of good PS3 and 360 games are multiplatform and I'd say that more and more of those are downloadable. Yet, they come out on the 360 earlier than the PS3. You'll have to wait a day or more to get them on your shiny PS3 and for those stellar games like Bionic Commando, do we really wanna wait???

Number 1-RPGs: For some reason, the PS3 doesn't have any RPGs. And for some other reason, the 360 has a lot of them. Not to mention it'll have Final Fantasy 13, the Last Remnant and Infinite Undiscovery, the 360 is set for RPGs while for some strange reason, the PS3 doesn't have them. I don't know why the Japanese developers like the 360 so much while Japan as a country would really like to burn the system through some red rings, but, the 360 has RPGs and great RPGs at that. Sorry PS3, this isn't your generation for 'em. The 360 stole them.

Anyways, watch out for the next Top 10 Friday week.