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I don't know if I like Bethesda or not. The Elder Scrolls series takes a generic setting, bad combat, glitches, bad animation, a horrible story and a poor leveling up system and and crosses it with an open-ended game. Fallout 3 is pretty much every problem that the Elder Scrolls has but there's no way that my parents (or even myself) will let me buy that game so that's out of the question.

For some strange reason though, for the past week I've been playing Oblivion. I just don't get it. I mean, it is HORRIBLY balanced. You cannot beat the main story normally unless you play a melee class. Magic is a bore to use unless you're buffing yourself and half of the quests are just fetch quests. That being said, some parts of the game are ridiculously fun. I can't stop playing through the dark brotherhood quests and if you're playing as a Fighter-type character the combat isn't THAT bad.

So, that's probably why I gave Oblivion a 3/5, it's just so much fun sometimes, but horrible at others. If you don't believe me, boot up the game and go into third person. Walk diagonally and then jump. Point proven. However, the thought of Fallout 3 having similar animation and stupid bugs makes me wanna punch a kitten.

Seriously, Bethesda doesn't seem like it wants to learn a lesson. Yes, people like the depth and freedom of your games but no, we don't like anything else. Get your act together and maybe make something original. Not another Fallout, and PLEASE not another Elder Scrolls. Something unique and different.