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I am very happy right now. Ever since the start of this generation, Sony has been a roller coaster ride. Their most recent down was the loss of Final Fantasy XIII as an exclusive but they just hit a huge up. LittleBigPlanet. I bought my PS3 a few weeks before E3 so I couldn't know about FFXIII so I was a little depressed, although I was playing too much MGS4 to really notice it. Now I am just amazed by LBP. I first started noticing LBP about a year ago when I saw it on this British TV show about video games but now, I know that it might just be the best game ever.

The game is so fantastic because it is what Playstation means. It is fun. It is fun in so many levels I cannot think of a single type of gamer that wouldn't like this game. I might be biased because I just amazingly (and unexpectedly) got into the beta but the game looks awesome. Oh, and don't ask for any info about LBP; my lips are sealed.