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Why must I do this to myself?

Why must I make myself choose between things so much? So, this Christmas time I'm gonna have $120 spare to spend on stuff. I don't know what I'll get for Christmas besides a laptop so I don't know if I'll get money or a poster with a monkey smoking a cigar on it. I do want to finally get an Ipod. Since I'll have a good computer that I'll be able to rely on I'll be able to use Itunes. Yes, my current computer sucks too much to use real Itunes. It's depressing....

Now, I could do that and get Banjo Kazooie or Space Invaders extreme or something or I could get Mirror's Edge and Prince of Persia. Or, I could wait until after Christmas when I get more money and then buy them, or I could get Warhammer Online or.....
See my point? Why must games cost so much? And then in summer I'm gonna probably buy the DSi and.....

GAGH! Shut up self. Shut.....up.