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Crake does blogging

Hey GiantBomb! The name's Crake. I believe I introduced myself in the Intro thread so that's out of the way. If you want to know about me, just find my post in that thread, or I could just tell you in a message if you're really that interested.  I've been on the site for about a week or so now and I'm impressed with everything it has to offer, so chances are I'll stick around and post as often as possible. Also been commenting on a few blogs and am now following nearly thirty people. I've even got eleven people following me! Imagine that. Anyway, let's get down to the bloggy part of this blog. 

 I'm getting my game face on for this blog. And eating cereal.
 I'm getting my game face on for this blog. And eating cereal.
My gaming this week has mostly consisted of Oblivion. I got back into it after reading a thread on this site and now I can't seem to put it down. Started a new character, stayed as far away from the main storyline as possible, and worked on the Thieve's Guild. Once I get the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal and the Skeleton Key, I'll probably start working on the main storyline and write a FAQ or something. Sort of wanted to do the Dark Brotherhood but not sure if I want to murder anyone to become a part of it. Just doesn't seem like something my character would do. Granted, he does anything I want him to do, but I don't really want to make him a murderer. 
In addition, I worked on a few achievements for Assassin's Creed II. Trying to get to all the Assassin tombs right now. Then I'll probably work on S-ranking Mass Effect 2. I never played the first Mass Effect on Insanity, so I'm not really sure what to expect. I'm still waiting for Dragon Age to come in the mail for my PC. I borrowed a friend's 360 version of the game and hated it on 360. It was obviously meant to be played on the PC and I'll have fun with the mods anyway. I heard there was a mod that totally allowed you to skip the quest where you go into the Fade to get the aid of the Circle Tower. Needless to say, I'll be looking that one up. That mission sucked.
I've been running but not as much as I used to. I'm only up to 16 miles this week and it's Friday, which is pretty sad. I need to work back up to 5 to 7 miles a day or every other day. I ran long distance for track and field and cross country all through high school, so after I graduated, I took a little break and it's tough to get back to it. I'll keep working though. My goal is to run a mini marathon and then eventually get up to the Boston marathon, a grueling 26 miles. Running in the Boston marathon has been on my bucket list for awhile now. 
So that's basically all that's going on with me. I'll keep you guys updated on anything I'm up to and expect another blog soon. I'm thinking of working on some FAQs and reviews as well that I can put up here.